
Missouri Republican delegate ‘miffed’ by Ohio Gov. Kasich

Kasich has declined to endorse Trump, and the 66-delegate OH group is loaded with loyalists of their second-term governor.


Donald Trump’s son made an attempt to tempt Ohio Governer John Kasich to be the “most powerful vice president in history”, according to CNN.

But, as the report states, there was one thing Pence brought that Kasich did not: “he knew how to say “yes” to Trump”.

She told the Radio Results Network today that even though delegates were technically “unbounded” when Kasich suspended his presidential campaign, he did not free them to vote for Trump.

Donald Trump said on Wednesday he never personally asked Ohio Gov. John Kasich to be vice president as tensions between the two camps continued despite appeals for unity at the Republican National Convention.

Yesterday, Donald Trump became the official Republican candidate vying for the office of President of the United States this November.

But regardless of the details of Trump’s offer, he still ultimately tapped Pence to be by his side – including as he dramatically landed in a chopper near Lake Eerie to briefly greet supporters Wednesday.

“He needs an experienced person to do the part of the job he doesn’t want to do”, Manafort said in reference to Trump. He said he doesn’t agree with everything Trump says, but it’s time to rally around the nominee. “He seems himself more as the chairman of the board, than even the CEO, let alone the COO”.

Kasich, however, has remained steadfast in his opposition to Trump, following a vicious Republican primary which tore the party in pieces.

“I’m coming back. I’m coming back to help Kelly”, Kasich said, referring to Republican Sen.


While he is avoiding attacking Trump by name, Kasich’s speeches have called out Trump’s policies. “Since he’s refused to participate in the convention or endorse Donald Trump, I think its totally inappropriate to attend any event he is sponsoring”.

In Ohio Trump-less GOP politicking going strong