
MLS launches annual Kick Childhood Cancer campaign alongside Scarftember

Marischal College, His Majesty’s Theatre, King’s College Chapel crown tower, Sir Duncan Rice Library, The Albyn and No 10 Bar, were all lit up to mark the start of the Glow Gold September campaign.


Find out more about Glow Gold September on Facebook. It will feature golden beams projected with love to them, around the central column in St Andrew Square.

Guildford’s landmark theatre is turning gold tonight.

This will take place on the 1st September – 8th September starting at 8.45pm – 1am, the display is called “Luminations of love” by NL Productions who the organisers say have been a fantastic support and who are putting on this unbelievable light display.

So far more than 100 buildings across the country and in Ireland have signed up.

Designer and illustrator Sophia Chang has created a Kick Childhood Cancer scarf for each MLS club with proceeds benefiting the Children’s Oncology Group, a partner of MLS WORKS – the league’s community outreach initiative – and one of the leading childhood cancer experts in the world.

Jaden Munoz, a 13-year-old cancer survivor from Pasadena, will attend Dodger batting practice with his parents and meet players on the field.

“We are delighted that many iconic landmarks and buildings have agreed to show their support and will light up gold on September 1”.


She lost her son, Braeden Williams, after he was diagnosed with a brain tumour aged seven.

His Majesty's Theatre was also lit