
Moderate Muslims must join fight vs. ISIS

Republican governors are attempting to bar refugees from entering their states (a proposal which goes against the Constitution they claim to be staunch defenders of), and a few radical conservatives like Ann Coulter have advocated stopping Muslim immigration into the country all together. ISIS calls them apostates.


The rush on the right to blame the Syrian refugees for the attacks in Paris has been breathtaking in its racism, and thoughtlessness. The excuse for the hysteria is that ISIS could be hiding wannabe terrorists in the ranks, and that justifies keeping them all out. Contrary to common wisdom, ISIS maintains that the Paris attacks reflect the compassion and mercy of Allah through the destruction of French infidels.

“The use of military force directly against the Islamic State by targeting IS personnel, infrastructure and military movements in Iraq and Syria is absolutely essential”, says Wark, a visiting professor at the Graduate School of Public and global Affairs at the University of Ottawa.

“I can relate to that, you know, going to a concert”. “They may have the name Islam in front, they don’t represent my faith, they don’t represent our faith and they may have the name state, but they appointed themselves, nobody in the global Muslim community appointed them”. They died, the statement said, to support the cause of the true religion and in fulfillment of the charges of the Prophet Muhammad to humiliate enemies, rubbing “their noses in the dusty ground”.

French President Francois Hollande is pushing for aggressive efforts to wipe out ISIS, ramping up air strikes in Syria, mobilizing more than 100,000 security personnel in his country and invoking a never-before-used European Union clause demanding support from partner nations. We have to apologize for the actions of a minority with whom we have no association and who do not even follow the basic tenets of Islam.

Mike Huckabee went on Fox News and, in a stunningly overt bit of racism, sneered, “It’s time to wake up and smell the falafel”. Get it? They eat “weird” food and so they shouldn’t be allowed to live here! “ISIS is focused on a population of people who are frustrated with their environmental, their social and their economic situations”, he said.

We have to stop worrying about offending the Muslims who have not taken up the jihad against the West, and cease denying the problem by reciting the mantra that most of the 1.5 billion Muslims are not jihadists. Yet, this seems contradictory when the majority of ISIS targets are Muslim civilians. They are not Muslims, and their actions are only that of blood thirsty criminals.

I encourage every voter to put people into office who are living for the future of this country, not it’s probable destruction.

You see, ISIS, like all terrorist groups, thrives on backlash. Thus, ISIS and the other radicals based in the Middle East must first conquer their own lands before moving on to build a Muslim Empire that will rule the world according to their interpretation of Sharia Law. We can not give ISIS the religious war they want. An alarming number of people are eager to point out why things have all gone wrong in this world, despite the fact that empirical evidence shows we are actually in one of the most peaceful times in all of history in terms of casualties as a result of warfare. “Then although there came to them our messengers with clear signs, yet, even after that, many of them continued to commit excesses in the land”.


Numerous people later had also shared the same photograph to propagate this Quranic verse further.

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