
Modi, Trump would be a natural fit: Newt Gingrich

“We need to rethink our whole model”, said Gingrich, a Georgia Republican who was speaker of the U.S. House of Representatives from 1995 to 1999, at a meeting sponsored by the National Alliance on Mental Illness Ohio at the Republican National Convention in Cleveland. Susteren asked Gingrich if he believed Trump’s former presidential opponent would finally announce his support for Trump during his speech Wednesday night.


Christie might have been privately “livid” when Trump passed him over.

Joining Scott and Gingrich on Thursday morning are Alabama Sen. “Mike Pence’s a great guy”. He’s someone who has governed, who knows how to govern. “Never been responsible for producing results”. “And in Mike Pence he got all of those things”.

There has also been talk of Christie going for the Attorney General job under Trump, but he refused to comment on any of those rumors. Life for me has been a pretty big rollercoaster for the last 15 years.

“Beyond his wife, his closest confidant, I don’t know that anybody knows what he’s thinking”.

The former speaker was unruffled by numerous more controversial elements of Donald Trump’s platform, such as building a wall with Mexico (“Legal immigrants often agree that you should have legal immigration”) and shutting down Muslim immigration to the USA temporarily. “They have to understand that if they come at us, we’re going to come at them, twice as hard”.

■ Headliners: Peter Thiel, cofounder PayPal; Tom Barrack, chief executive of Colony Capital; Ivanka Trump, daughter of the candidate; and Donald Trump, GOP nominee for president.


“I am exhausted of being dictated to by people in Washington, D.C. Our voters have spoken and this convention needs to reflect the will of those voters”. He told the largely white, older crowd to get savvy with social media, and learn how to use Facebook live. “I can tell you from my personal experience are just not right”.

Asked about the embarrassing public show of dissent against Donald Trump former US Speaker and one-time presidential candidate Newt Gingrich joked ‘Well we’re much better off than the British Labour party