
Mom, boyfriend charged in Baby Doe case to be arraigned

Police immediately appealed to the public for help in identifying the girl.


Prosecutors have said they’ll wait until the arraignment to release further details.

Joseph Amoroso, a man who says he’s the girl’s biological father, yelled that McCarthy “won’t last a day”. Bond told police that McCarthy said it was Bella’s time to die.

A woman walking her dog found the unidentified body stuffed into a plastic bag in June, prompting police to launch a billboard campaign featuring a computer image of what the girl may have looked like in life.

– Rachelle Bond said McCarthy told her if she went to police he would kill her.

McCarthy allegedly threatened to kill Bond if she went to the police.

Bond’s boyfriend Michael McCarthy is charged with killing 2-year-old Bella back in May, then putting the body in a fridge for two months before dumping it in the water.

After texting McCarthy (who was in the hospital for an unknown reason at the time) that he knew Bella was Baby Doe, he went to the authorities.

No manner of death has been determined by a medical examiner, but it is believed that Bella died of suffocation from blunt force to her stomach, Deakin said. And preliminary DNA comparisons done appear to confirm authorities’ identification of “Baby Doe” as Bella Bond, according to Deakin.

When she heard the allegations against McCarthy she stood up and screamed, “I hope you rot in hell”, before running out of the room. “You f-ing rot in hell!” The friend said on two occasions McCarthy locked the girl in the closet for 30 minutes to an hour, Deakin said. “Mr. McCarthy told the lifelong friend that she was possessed by demons, and that’s why she deserved that treatment”. During a conversation with Bond on Wednesday, she told the friend that she had gotten off drugs.

Tracy, the local attorney, said he thought prosecutors were trying to concentrate on the actual death of the child first and foremost.

During the press conference Friday, Massachusetts Gov. Charlie Baker said that DCF had opened a case on Bond in June 2013, but it was closed a few months later. Bond has pleaded not guilty to being an accessory after the fact, and is being held on $1 million bail.

Bella’s father, Joe Amoroso, defended Bond after the arrest. In both cases the department provided “support for neglect”. We are also grateful for the expertise of several outside laboratories, including scientists from the Customs and Border Protection agency, the University of North Texas, and IsoForensics Utah. The person asked Bond where her child was, and the mother reportedly admitted she was dead. “Each one of these children”, Andrews said.

“I know she didn’t do it”, Amoroso said, adding: “One thing I don’t do is blame myself”. Both were involved in drugs, Deakin said.

“Who’re you going to believe, me or” Bond, McCarthy replied, using a derogatory term for Bond, according to the prosecutor.

In court, a prosecutor said Sprinsky mentioned Bond’s comments to his sister, who contacted Boston police about the case Wednesday.


Police left the apartment and began interviewing neighbors while they sought a search warrant.

Mystery of Baby Doe