
Mom gives birth in front seat of auto

Lesia Pettijohn told her husband to record the precious moment when she realised they would not make it to the hospital in time.


While on the way to the Bay Area Birth Center in Pasadena, Texas, Lesia delivered Josiah in the passenger seat of the moving auto, while Jon filmed the event with his GoPro that was sitting on his lap. He just wanted to keep driving so they could get to the birthing center quickly.

“The only reason I would pull over is if there is something wrong that needed to be dealt with immediately”, he tells Houston TV station KHOU.

Since the video was posted online Thursday, many of taken notice of the man’s calm demeanor.

After 45 minutes in the auto, the woman starts to scream through her birthing pains. “We did it, high five babe”, responded her husband.

A Texas couple captured their baby’s birth on camera, as they were headed to the hospital for delivery.

“I thought there was a possibility the baby was going to come in the auto”, he said.

Continuing her statement, she added, “I was scared”.

Near the end of the video, the dad jokes “So I wonder if we still have to pay for using birth center?” Oh my goodness! What do I do?’ She says holding the 10lb child boy. He is their first son, but their third child.


They ended up stuck in heavy traffic, though, and their baby boy was apparently on his own schedule.

VIDEO Video Shows Dramatic Front Seat Child Birth