
Mom: Gunman would ‘pretty much lose it’ on police shootings

Long killed law enforcement officers in Baton Rouge, La., on Sunday, July 17, 2016.


Obama has also spoken out about police-involved shooting deaths of black men in Louisiana and Minnesota this month after encounters for perceived or minor infractions between the victims and police. The difference between the 1960s and today is that the hatred of law enforcement and of whites is being stoked by the highest reaches of the establishment. In recent years, there have been other ambush killings of officers, such as the pair gunned down in NY in December 2014.

Deputy Nicholas Tullier, 41, is one of five officers who were transported to Our Lady of the Lake Hospital where he remains in critical condition. “He offered himself as a fellow worshipper to anyone who sought to pray”.

We can not let this blatant violent assault against our law enforcement officials continue.

The oft-repeated but inaccurate claim is that a police officer is killed every 58 hours.

In the afternoon, Obama met with Lynch, Comey and Homeland Security Secretary Jeh Johnson, where they discussed better equipment and training programs for police.

“Just to pray for our officers!”

President Barack Obama condemned the violence Sunday from the White House briefing room.

“We saw a need with our officers to do a vigil, to recognize these tragic, horrific deaths where these officers have been murdered”, he said.

University of Texas Professor William Spelman, a former researcher at the Police Executive Research Forum, said “there nearly has to be” political will and a public appetite to boost salaries in light of the deadly ambush.

“These officers risk their lives for $40,000 a year”.

This type of criticism and contempt makes a hard and unsafe job even tougher. Whichever side you take matters not to me, I respect your right to your opinion. He said the violence had exposed the deepest fault lines in American democracy and warned that the nation is shocked and fearful. “I think that what happened in Baton Rouge made this event that much more important, so that we can get on the same page – so that those things that are in Baton Rouge don’t trickle over into Wichita”. Montrell Jackson, Matthew Gerald, and Brad Garafola lost their lives in a shootout with retired Marine, Gavin Eugene. And each fallen officer is one too many.

Ordinary people have approached officers or dropped by the police station in growing numbers since the killing of eight officers in Dallas and Baton Rouge.

“As I thought about it, as I heard about the officers, I realized that two of them drive past the church on their way to work that day from their homes”, said pastor Willis Easley.

Some are trying to use this moment to divide police and the communities you serve.

I stand by them, will you? One need not agree with everyone every time to still be supportive. “It adds a layer of safety for us”. What is a prouder example of our most basic freedoms-to speech, to assembly, to life, and to liberty?


On Monday, however, Williams said the governor did not have the power to suspend the law. “It speaks volumes about our community and the people we serve”. “Black and white civilians involved in police shootings were equally likely to have been carrying a weapon”. We will do it with the grace of loved ones who even in their grief have spoken out against vengeance toward police. Monday’s focus will be to “make America safe again”. “This is an epidemic in this country now and we’ve got to solve it”.

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