
Monica Bellucci Stars In A New Clip From ‘Spectre’; Daniel Craig Says

If there’s one thing we learnt from the posters for new James Bond movie Spectre, it’s that Daniel Craig wears a black polo neck very well. I’d rather break this glass and slash my wrists.


Because of his contract with Eon Productions, Craig was obligated to do “Spectre” even without Mendes, but fortunately for him, they were able to convince Mendes to helm another Bond film. “I would have been totally at peace with it”, he said.

But then Craig, seemingly unimpressed by her line of questioning, simply said, “I think you need to move on”, shutting down the interviewer. Sadly the bit when I did it wasn’t in the film.

We wish the adorable pair good luck for the awesome relationship they share and for all their future endeavors.

Although he’s been married to Rachel Weisz since 2011, Craig says back in his dating days he once had to stand up to a guy who pinched his girlfriend’s behind. The movie didn’t have anything like the budget of future Bond films, including the upcoming “Spectre” which has its World Premiere on Monday October. 26, 2015, in London. It was going to have the gags in it, what Pierce did, what Sean had done. There’s no getting away from it. I’m still enjoying it much more than I ever did because I’ve been allowed to bring what I know to the role.

Two-time Oscar victor Christoph Waltz, French actress Lea Seydoux and Italy’s Monica Bellucci also appear in the 24th official entry in the long-running series.

Craig did admit that he admired Bond’s capacity to be a gentleman, though he suggested that Bond isn’t as heroic and wholly admirable as people may think.

“You just want to make the stunts as real and fresh as possible”.

The filmmakers went back to the first Bond story, which had never been filmed outside of the truly comedic David Niven version, and used that as a springboard to launch a more serious James Bond with rougher edges than his predecessors.

THE RED BULLETIN: “Speaking of women, many men admire Bond for his way with the ladies …”


“But let’s not forget that he’s actually a misogynist”, said Craig.

Daniel Craig Making Bond movies incredibly important to