
Monkey Watch Day 3: Search for Dizzy continues

While authorities play this waiting game, the zoo will remain closed to the public, but the park surrounding the zoo is still open.


A monkey which got loose from his cage at the Forest Park Zoo in MA this week is still on the run.

“Last night, we had Dizzy very close to returning to his enclosure, however, one of the members of the crowds that had gathered threw an object attempting to hit Dizzy and scared him off”, the zoo wrote on Facebook Wednesday.

The monkey that got out of it’s enclosure is still on the loose. Dizzy reportedly twisted a doorknob and let himself out of the enclosure.

“The zoo staff will be back at it today working on bringing Dizzy home”.

When Dizzy is returned to his enclosure, the zoo plans to reopen so people can “welcome him home”.

Zoo director James Lewis and Springfield Police Lt, Philip Tarpey, armed with tranquilizer rifles, attempted to draw beads on Dizzy a number of times Wednesday afternoon to no avail.

The zoo said Dizzy posed no harm to the public.

“Dizzy loves apricots and so we have placed fresh apricots down there with bananas”, says the zoo’s business manager Darlene Blaney.

Rothschild said the multiple day shutdown of the zoo has not yet had significant financial impact on operations.


There have been a couple of close calls where staff have come close to capturing Dizzy, but no luck so far.

Monkey business: 12-pound primate escapes zoo enclosure