
Monmouth Sheriff Candidate Joins Trump Criticism in Wake of Khan Comments

And when voters were asked about Trump’s criticism of the Khan family, only 19 percent said it was “in bounds”, while 69 percent said it was “out of bounds”.


Trump is backed by all but two vulnerable GOP senators – Pat Toomey of Pennsylvania, who is still in a “wait and see” mode, and Mark Kirk of IL, who withdrew his endorsement after Trump’s attacks on a USA judge of Mexican heritage. And the observer would have had to conclude that it was the pain in her heart, not a crass political decision, that prevented Ghazala Khan from speaking at the convention.

This is not the first time Rubio has criticized Trump for comments about Islam and Muslim Americans in uniform.

“While our party has bestowed upon him the nomination, it is not accompanied by unfettered license to defame those who are the best among us”, said McCain, a prisoner of war for five years during the Vietnam War. Their service and sacrifice are more than most Americans will know, and for that, they should receive nothing but our gratitude.

In addition to attacking Khizr Khan, Trump also criticizedGhazala Khizr, saying she was not permitted to speak at the convention because of her Islamic faith.

Anybody who saw the Khans’ interview on MSNBC would have been struck by the genuineness of their feelings having lost a son who died a hero.

Statements from vulnerable Republican senators and House members up for re-election denounced Trump’s tough language directed at the Khans, and honored them for their sacrifice for the nation’s security. She said she did so after seeing so much “hurt and anger” among Gold Star families on social media. They’re here in our country.

Trump said as the Khans appeared on CNN’s “New Day”. The talking points also noted that Trump “wants to end radical Islamic terror, so that our soldiers like Mr. Khan’s son will be safe”.

Asked Monday on MSNBC if Trump should apologize, Ghazala Khan said, “I don’t want to hear anything from him and I don’t want to say anything to him”.

Trump’s ongoing dispute with the Khans has become a call to political action for Kevin Ahearn of Phoenix. He was born a Muslim to Pakistani immigrants.

On Monday afternoon, Trump took the stage in Columbus, Ohio for a rally where he slammed the media about his supposed mistreatment and bragged about winning the Republican primary. He says, “That proves that this person is void of empathy”. She disputed what Smith said Clinton told her about the attack, but Clinton added she does not have any “ill feeling” for Smith. Khizr and Ghazala were there to honor their son Humayun, a captain in Iraq who was killed while protecting his troops from a suicide bomber in 2004. “We need to thank those who commit the ultimate sacrifice, those that put on a uniform and defend this country and defend our ability to have elections, but I don’t think there’ll be anybody out there defending the statement that was made”.

On Monday, Trump rebukes flowed from near and far, with top Republicans sprinting away from the candidate and President Obama making a veiled reference to the controversy. And he disputed their right to question his grasp of the Constitution.


The US Constitution is hot. Trump said Monday on Twitter. Prominent Republicans like John McCain, Paul Ryan, and Mitch McConnell have condemned the GOP nominee for his remarks and tried to distance them from the Republican Party.

President Obama praises Gold Star Families