
Monmouth U Poll: Hillary Clinton ‘Significantly’ Widens Lead Over Donald Trump

A senior campaign aide said that the proposal would be aimed at working and middle class families and that it would include an income limit, though the person declined to say how much. At one point, he quipped, “I will say the Bernie Sanders people had far more energy and spirit”.


Trump, who has always been vocally opposed to numerous U.S.’s trade deals, said the Trans-Pacific Partnership with Asian countries would be America’s “next betrayal”.

Trump has largely avoided policy specifics in his campaign, focusing instead on broad goals. But that tactic did not work Monday. A highlights package of his economic plans, released by the Trump campaign, said he would invite TransCanada (TSX:TRP) to renew its permit application. As for Trump, he will insist, “I absolutely did not chop down that cherry tree”, even as he clutches the ax with which he chopped it down moments earlier on Facebook Live.

During a rally in Florida, the former secretary of state said that Trump’s all-male team of economic advisers, about half of whom are big donors to his campaign, tried and failed to repackage Trump’s “old, exhausted ideas”. He also promoted simplifying a tax code that he said forces taxpayers to waste 9 billion hours a year. That’s a departure from the plan Trump unveiled last fall during the GOP primary that envisioned four brackets and a top rate of 25 percent.

In a speech at the Detroit Economic Club, Trump promised to bring prosperity to “those who have the very least”.

He would call on Canadian firm TransCanada to renew its permit application for building Keystone XL, the crude oil pipeline between Canada and USA oil refineries rejected by the Obama administration previous year.

Trump also noted that that if he was elected president, he would “jump-start” the USA economy, and added that doing so would not be hard once the correct policies were implemented. He said he would cancel “illegal and overreaching” executive orders. “That’s money taken straight out of cities like Detroit”.

In response, the Clinton campaign issued a statement saying, “It’s unfortunate that Trump’s only method of dealing with his own disastrous week is to lash out with more absurd personal attacks”. Raising taxes on the wealthy is how she plans to fund many of her plans, including infrastructure development and other areas. “He understands what it means to take risks and deliver results through lower taxes, less regulation, and solving our debt crisis”.

The run by Evan McMullin comes as a faction of Republicans remain reticent to embrace Mr Trump as the party’s presidential nominee.

Trump also vowed to “immediately cancel all illegal and overreaching executive orders” and require government agencies to submit to him a list of current regulations that “are not necessary, do not improve public safety and which needlessly kill many, many jobs”.

“It will, indeed, be a massive stimulus for the economy”, he said.

Donald Trump is losing an important constituency to Hillary Clinton by huge margins – and it doesn’t seem to be a matter of party affiliation.


“We will put our coal mines and our steel workers back to work, where they want to be”, Trump said.

Jason Moon for NHPR