
Montana reports first human West Nile virus case of 2015

DENVER (CBS4)- The mosquito population along the Front Range is ready to surge and with that so are concerns for the West Nile virus. Even though there are no confirmed mosquitoes carrying West Nile in our region, it’s always good to take smart protective measures when possible. “New Yorkers are also encouraged to wear mosquito repellent and cover their arms and legs if they’re outside at dawn or dusk in areas with mosquitoes”. Officials said there have not been any human cases of the virus in Washington state this year.


“We want our residents to know the mosquitoes that carry West Nile virus are here and they’re active”, said Zachary Thompson, DCHHS director. These mosquitoes breed in warm, nutrient-rich standing water typically over seven days.

Officials say it is earlier than usual for the mosquito-transmitted infection to be reported in a person.

Kim Buser is a registered nurse with Public Health Solutions Health District, which includes Saline, Gage, Jefferson, Thayer and Fillmore Counties. Traps have been placed though to capture mosquitoes and test them to officially declare whether or not mosquitoes in the state have been infected by the West Nile virus. To track the virus in the Pacific Northwest or get additional information, view the BFHD West Nile website at The most vulnerable people are those who are at least 50 or have weakened immune systems.

DEET: Use insect repellents that contain DEET, picaridin or oil of lemon eucalyptus. About one in five people who are infected will develop a fever with other symptoms such as headache, body aches, joint pains, vomiting, diarrhea, or rash.

The study looked at leaf litter found in standing water from different types of plants. If you think you have symptoms of West Nile virus, see your doctor right away.

In addition to describing the most effective method for removing ticks, Hermos explains what signs and symptoms might indicate infection, and when antibiotics may or may not be prescribed.


The department will use low-flying helicopters to apply naturally occurring and environmentally friendly larvicides – which are used to eliminate immature mosquitoes before they develop into adults.

Palm Desert mosquito sample has West Nile virus - The Desert Sun