
More debris found, families frustrated with conflicting official statements

“We’ll keep waiting here until someone from the Malaysian embassy comes out”, said Zhang Yongli, a father of a MH370 passenger.


The 64 year-old, who lost his 32-year-old daughter in the accident, insisted that: “We do not want money, we want to be informed”, he said. French investigators haven’t yet confirmed that it is from the plane.

Relatives of the Malaysia Airlines Flight 370 passengers kneel down in front of the media ahead of a briefing given by the airlines outside a help centre in Beijing.

France said it was ramping up its search off the coast of the French-governed island after Malaysia confirmed a piece of wing debris was from MH370. He said Malaysia will leave it to experts to advise on whether the search area needed to be revised.

Yesterday window panes and seat cushions were found on the island. “I can not confirm that it’s from MH370”.

A file picture dated 29 July 2015 shows members of French Gendarmerie and local authorities checking a piece of debris, a flaperon, from an aircraft apparently washed ashore in Saint-Andre de la Reunion, eastern La Reunion island, France.

Malaysian Transport Minister Liow Tiong Lai said he understood relatives wanted to know what had happened to their loved ones.

Malaysian experts are convinced the flaperon is from MH370 because a seal on the part matched a maintenance record and the paint was the same colour.

“We respect their decision to continue with their verification. Only that, for us, will be full closure”, said Malaysian Jacquita Gonzales, wife of MH370 chief steward Patrick Gomes.

Brian Alexander, a lawyer with U.S. firm Kreindler & Kreindler LLC, which represents 48 families of MH370 passengers from around the world, said the flaperon alone would be unlikely to present enough evidence to inform a legal case about the cause of the crash.

“We at least seem to have some evidence that flight MH370 will be found, particularly in the search area that (Australia) has been focusing on”, she said.

Many think Malaysia is eager to conclude the aircraft went down in the sea to close the matter.

China’s Foreign Ministry has reacted to Malaysia’s confirmation by saying that the result points to a conclusion that the flight crashed.

Najib’s televised statement was not universally welcomed by relatives of the 239 people on board the jet, with some expressing scepticism and fresh criticism of officials’ handling of the disaster. “Tell us the truth”.

They have accused Najib’s government and the airline of a bungled response to the disaster, possible cover-up and insensitive treatment of families – charges that have been vehemently denied.

“They’re anxious, and we’re also looking for answers”, Liow told Reuters. “The French inquiry, of course, has not been quite so conclusive”.

An aircraft would survey the area from Friday morning, the statement said.

A woman in New Zealand whose brother was on the plane asks, “Why not wait and get everybody on the same page so the families don’t need to go through this turmoil?”

“Moreover, the Malaysian government is one of the leaders in the investigation of this incident”. That search, which began in October, has covered nearly half that area without finding any clues.


After Malaysian PM confirms wing part found on island is from missing flight, transport minister says plane window discovered; relatives unconvinced. There were 227 passengers and 12 crew members on board the Boeing 777 plane.

Family members of those on board Malaysia Airlines flight MH370 stage a protest outside the Malaysian embassy in Beijing