
More Democrats crack door for Biden 2016 bid

KARL: So, I’d assume that means the president would support Vice President Biden if were to run? Biden ran unsuccessfully in 1988 and again in 2008.


I wouldn’t rule out the possibility of an endorsement in the Democratic primary”, Earnest said at a press briefing. Earnest repeated that Obama has said choosing Biden as his running mate in 2008 was the best political decision he had ever made.

Democrats have always been concerned about the prospect of a half-hearted primary race leading to Clinton’s nomination.

“Hey, what I will say is I’m committed to getting out every single day and fighting for the families who sent me”, Warren, D-Mass., said during a show that aired Sunday. In 2008, Bedingfield was the communications director for Jeanne Shaheen for Senate.

It remains to be seen whether Biden could attract enough major donors and bundlers to fund a competitive campaign.

While the 72-year-old Biden has been considering whether to toss his hat into the ring for a third presidential run, he hasn’t yet made up his mind – or at least he hasn’t let it be known whether he’ll jump into the race. But few Democrats view him as a plausible president even if they like the way he is pressing Hillary to tilt to the left.

Keller asked Warren about Clinton’s email controversy and polling struggles, and wondered if it was a mistake for the Democratic party to “anoint” her as the nominee so early on. The revelations appear to have damaged her approval ratings, especially on qualities like honesty and trustworthiness. Which leads us to wonder: Is Biden in? Clinton invited Warren to meet her one-on-one at her Washington home last December.

But with the Iowa caucuses less than six months away, a Biden candidacy would face its own challenges, especially in raising money and building an organization in key early states. And Biden, age 73, probably would be happy to serve just one term. A small team of advisers has spent weeks quietly putting together a campaign strategy and fundraising plan in case Biden decides to run. He said nothing to discourage a run by Biden, who is 72. “But you know, I really think you don’t pull the trigger on this if you’re in his position unless you’re pretty darn sure that she’s in deep trouble”.

“He’s honest, he’s trustworthy, he’s straightforward”, Mandel said of Biden.


By contrast, the same poll found that Biden’s favorability rating reached its peak in seven years with 49 percent, with 58 percent saying he cares about them.

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