
More email grief for Hillary Clinton

ABC News will try here to put the most recent emails into context.


At nearly the same time the emails were released, Trump made a comment about gun owners that dominated cable news.

The Clinton campaign was quick to push back on the insinuations drawn from the cozy conversations contained in the emails.

The new emails aren’t necessarily to or from Clinton herself.

After serving on Bill Clinton’s White House staff, Band, who declined Wednesday to comment, became his chief adviser after he left office, helping him create the Clinton Global Initiative, a part of the Clinton Foundation and its global charitable efforts, which has gathered billions of dollars in donations and commitments from a sprawling collection of affluent donors and foundations.

CREW had asked for “the number of email accounts of or associated with Secretary Hillary Rodham Clinton, and the extent to which those email accounts are identifiable as those of or associated with Secretary Clinton”. The name was withheld from the document.

A newly released State Department email features Clinton Foundation-related requests, raising potential ethical issues about the Clinton Foundation during Hillary Clinton’s four years as Secretary of State.

Huma Abedin, the State Department aide, replied that “personnel has been sending him options”.

Additionally, the Clinton campaign said Chagoury had wanted to offer insights to the Lebanon point person at the State Department about the country’s forthcoming election and wasn’t looking for any kind of favors.

However, State Department spokeswoman Elizabeth Trudeau told ABC News that the State Department hires political appointees through a “variety of avenues”.

Band asked the aides to get Chagoury in touch with the State Department’s “substance person” on Lebanon.

“As you know, he’s key guy there and to us and is loved in lebanon”, Band wrote.

The emails include 44 that were not previously turned over to the State Department by Clinton.

The Clinton Foundation also says Mills was not a paid employee.

What Are the Presidential Campaigns Saying?

“There was no daylight between the two under Mrs. Clinton, and this was contrary to her promises”, he added.

The Clinton camp denied that any impropriety occurred.

‘Neither of these emails involve the secretary or relate to the Foundation’s work, ‘ said Clinton campaign spokesman Josh Schwerin in an emailed statement to the network. The prolonged investigations into her use of a private email server while at the State Department has fueled public distrust of her and plagued her presidential bid.

Not to CNN, but worse says one watchdog group, not to the Republican-led Senate Judiciary Committee which has a right to know. If it’s true, it’s illegal.

Donald Trump has launched a petition urging the Justice Department to investigate the Clinton Foundation after requests for a probe by some within the agency were overruled. Comey also said in her position as Secretary of State, she should have known better.

Are There More Emails to Come?


Multiple FBI investigations into the Clinton Foundation are now ongoing, according to a former senior law enforcement official and reported by The Daily Caller. The Clinton Foundation is a different situation.

Remembering Hillary Clinton’s War on Video Games David Blasdale