
More establishment than celebrity in Trump convention lineup

“In the short term, Trump has to give most Republican members of Congress, most Republican leaders… a reason not to give up on him”, Boatright said of Trump’s convention goals.


“With Trump as the nominee, it’s certainly a wasted cycle”, John Hudak, a senior fellow at the Brookings Institution in Washington, told AFP.

But if you’re expecting a sea of “Make America Great Again” baseball caps and American flag T-shirts, think again.

But nowhere is Trump’s influence on the 2016 GOP platform as evident than in the area of immigration.

We take a look at how different this is from the platform in 2012. “They were fearful of us being here, fearful of it being brought up, fearful that gays are coming into having full rights to heterosexuals”. But little appears to have changed in the platform in the past four years. Someone like Indiana Gov. Mike Pence or former House Speaker Newt Gingrich would be helpful, while if he picked New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie, “there is going to be a revolt”, Mr. Mackowiak said.

Humphrey said earlier this week that presumptive presidential nominee Donald Trump needs to be dumped because “he is a sociopath… and has a personality disorder that would make him unfit to be president”.

Trump attended a gay wedding in the past and has said that he knows “many, many gay people”.

Instead of moderation, the Republican platform explicitly opposes same-sex marriage, calls for transgender Americans to use public restrooms that correspond with only their sex at birth and supports businesses that refuse to offer services to LGBT Americans based on religious principles.

One Trump support group, “Bikers for Trump”, told CNN that the streets of Cleveland could turn into “the O.K. Corral”.

But some have also said his relative silence is helpful to them. Since it became clear that Trump had secured enough delegates to win the nomination, there have been concerns about the potential for violent clashes between his supporters and groups in opposition during the convention. “And I can relate it really very much to myself”.

The California delegation must include three delegates from each of the state’s 53 congressional districts.

Hoff came to Cleveland fully aware that she would probably lose, but said she had hoped to soften some of the language. Barasso says he has stated from the beginning “this was going to be a conservative platform, reflecting the views, and the values, and the vision of the Republican party, and I think we stayed true to that”. “I believe in all of that, but I had a more measured approach”. Shannon Jones resigned from her convention spot, telling The Cincinnati Enquirer she didn’t want to participate in a process that would lead to Trump’s nomination.

“This is a matter of saving the party”, Unruh said.

Unruh teaches government at a small Christian high school. He watched those issues founder in George W. Bush’s second term.


Fogarty says when Trump delegates fail to show up in Cleveland, the odds for people like Pat Brady to prevent Trump from becoming the nominee are better – but he said they’re still very long odds to overcome.

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