
More Men Than Women Support Marijuana Legalization

According to the results of a Quinnipiac University poll released on Thursday, support for medical marijuana by Ohio voters has increased 6 percent since April, with a margin of error of plus or minus 2.5 percent.


The poll showed Floridians support the legalization of personal pot by a margin of 51 to 45 percent, but Pennsylvanians are locked in a statistical tie on the issue – 47 percent to 49 percent. “Not surprisingly support for the change is linked to age, with younger voters more likely to see personal use of pot as a good thing”.

The newest poll reflected a marginal increase in support from a similar Quinnipiac poll from March, which registered voter support of legalizing marijuana at 52 percent. According to the poll, Portman’s approval rating is at 50 percent.

If the election were today, Democratic challenger Strickland would have 46 percent of Ohio voters’ support and Portman, the incumbent Republican, would have 43 percent.

In the race for control of the Senate, new poll indicates the Ohio race is the tightest of the swing states of Florida, Ohio and Pennsylvania. Statewide, an organization pushing “No on 3” will be airing its first television advertisement against legalizing marijuana. The measure would allow the personal use of marijuana by Ohioans 21 or older and medical use by adults and children with debilitating conditions. The crop is coming in at Minnesota Medical Solutions, one of two manufacturers who will be supplying the state’s medical marijuana.

Florida electorate are now extremely in support of cannabis along with a largest majority are within prefer of authorizing hallucinogenic cannabis, a different Quinnipiac University sample has been found in. Donald Trump leads the GOP candidates in the Sunshine State at 28 percent among polled Florida Republican voters, followed by Ben Carson (16 percent), Rubio (14 percent) and former Gov. Jeb Bush (12 percent).

In 2014, the Florida Right to Medical Marijuana Initiative failed to pass as a state constitutional amendment. There are three separate groups trying to get initiatives on the ballot for 2016 that would fully legalize marijuana, though each is considered a bit of a long shot.


A total of 1,173 Florida voters were surveyed, Quinnipiac reported.

Poll: Ohio Senate race only toss-up in swing states