
More People Know George Osborne, And He’s Less Popular Than Jeremy Corbyn

The general, who prefered to remain anonymous, told the British newspaper that members of the armed forces would begin directly and publicly challenging the Labour Party leader if he tried to scrap Trident, pull out of North Atlantic Treaty Organisation or announce “any plans to emasculate and shrink the size of the armed forces”.


A vote to leave Europe in the forthcoming referendum could move Scotland closer to independence, former Lib Dem leader Nick Clegg has warned. At the party conference, the former leader and deputy prime minister rallied the troops by recalling they had been knocked to the floor before and always recovered “as dawn follows the darkest hour”.

New Labour leader Jeremy Corbyn has replaced him with Vernon Coaker.

New United Kingdom Labour Party leader Jeremy Corbyn has been invited to address his party’s pro-Israel caucus, local Jewish media reported Monday.

Mr Farron will highlight success on boosting the personal tax allowance and gay marriage, as well as acknowledging his party made mistakes in office. This track record makes her something of a link to the more recent “New Labour” style of government in a way that some of Mr Corbyn’s other shadow cabinet selections (such as shadow chancellor John McDonnell) are not.

He knows that there is an enemy lying in wait and of its potential viciousness and faces a huge battle to overturn the collective psychology of our country that has been scarred by a continued overflow of bile from the right-wing press in their support of the Tory party and this present Government.

“I realise how much richer – culturally, socially, economically – our society is today, because of our generosity then”.

“Friends who are senior party figures have urged patience, and those who have refused to serve and gone to the back benches are sitting out the upheaval, waiting for the Corbynistas to implode”.

“On September 12, leftist Corbyn won an election for the leadership of the UK Labour Party after gathering over 59 percent of the vote in the first round”.

“Access to affordable housing affects us all because it is the entry ticket to society: to security and stability, to work, health and community”, Mr Farron will say.

A Labour spokeswoman said: “Lord Watson was readmitted to the party in 2012 and after his rehabilitation it is right he should be allowed to play a full part in public life”.

Better information would inevitably lead to more people realising that most of Jeremy Corbyn’s present values,
including his economic beliefs, are good and right and rational.

“The House of Commons is not very democratic”, he said.


He added: “I have been fairly outspoken about the Lib Dems and the coalition, which I did not support, and their current position vis a vis austerity economics”.

Britain's Liberal Democrat party leader Tim Farron