
More than 1.75 million Floridians voted early

So the voters that will vote for Carlos Beruff, will they come over and vote for Marco Rubio in the general or will they stay at home?


It’s Election Day! Brevard’s 117 polling locations are open from 7 7 p.m. today.

Preparations for the primary election were going smoothly as of Monday, Ogg said.

UPDATE 10:38 a.m.

State elections officials are expecting high turnout in this year’s primary election.

Rubio led millionaire homebuilder Carlos Beruff with almost 70 percent of the vote Tuesday and Murphy led U.S. Rep. Alan Grayson with 63 percent of the vote shortly after polls closed in the Florida peninsula.

In Wisconsin, election observers must sign in with their name, address and affiliation, if any, when they get to the polling place. “Now we’re waiting for voters to show up”.

Thomas Demps received the most votes in the Democrat primary for the Taylor County Commission District 5 race, earning a chance to move on to November and continue his bid to replace incumbent Pat Patterson, who is retiring at the end of her term. The signs were left on the ground.

“We’re an area that was historically Democratic but has been trending Republican for about 20 years now”, said Michael Korns, chairman of the Westmoreland County Republican Committee, in the Pittsburgh suburbs. “I don’t have room to carry them all”. The county returned to the normal number of polling places Tuesday.

Polls across the state are open until 7 p.m.

The Mohave County Elections Department website will list polling sites and results.

REMEMBER: You don’t have to vote for every office on the ballot, but if you’re registered with one of the recognized parties, you may only vote for that party’s candidates.

At precinct 4453 on Maclay Boulevard, according to display screens, less than 50 votes were cast at 9:15 am. “You two are the busiest we’ve been so far”, one poll worker quipped.

“These numbers have also surpassed vote by mail and early voting totals for the 2012 and 2014 primary elections respectively, said Florida Secretary of State Ken Detzner”.


A hotly contested Republican primary race in Florida Senate District 17 involving two Florida House members – Debbie Mayfield and Ritch Workman – and Republican State Committeeman Mike Thomas.

Bill's Newscast: Primary Voting is This Tuesday