
More than 18-hundred pounds of drugs collected during “Drug Take Back Day”

The METRICH Drug Task Force coordinated the event, throughout the Metrich region.


Sheriff Scott Kent would like to thank those residents who participated in the program.

Source for a few information: Mariposa County Sheriff Department.

Previous drug take back days in Vermont have yielded as much as 3,000 pounds of unused prescriptions, about half of this year’s haul.

The Drug Enforcement Unit plans to continue to give people a more environmentally responsible and secure way to dispose of medication. The DEA are collecting the pills on a national level.

A reminder for the next Prescription drug take-back day the service is free and anonymous, no questions asked. Medicines that languish in home cabinets are highly susceptible to diversion, misuse, and abuse.

“Prescription drug abuse is a huge problem and this is a great opportunity for folks around the country to help reduce the threat”, said DEA Acting Administrator Chuck Rosenberg. The majority of teenagers abusing prescription drugs get them from family and friends, usually from a home medicine cabinet.


Anne Arundel County Police collected 412 pounds of prescription medications during Saturday’s National Prescription Drug Take Back Initiative.

County police collect over 400 pounds of prescription drugs