
Most Americans want Congress to reject Iran deal

A majority of Americans says that Congress should reject an global accord lifting sanctions on Iran in exchange for new limits on its nuclear program, according to a new CNN/ORC worldwide Poll.


And as HNGN previously reported, 53 percent of American Jews said they believe Congress should approve the deal, compared to 35 percent who were opposed, according to a recent L.A. Jewish Journal survey.

The CNN/ORC poll found a significant partisan divide on the issue, with 66 percent of Republicans and 55 percent of independents saying Congress should reject the deal and 61 percent of Democrats saying it should be approved.

CNN found that 53 percent of younger adults between the ages of 18-34, who tend to vote more Democratic, approved of the deal, while among those age 35 and older, 56 percent said they reject it.

The poll found that 52 percent of Americans think Congress should reject the agreement, while 44 percent said lawmakers should approve the deal.

Since then, the Obama administration has been aggressively pitching the deal to a skeptical American public and Congress. Many Republicans have vowed to do everything in their power to block the deal’s full implementation.

“As you may know, the U.S. Congress must approve the agreement the United States and five other countries reached with Iran that is aimed at preventing Iran from developing nuclear weapons before it can take effect”.

On the economy, the optimism that emerged earlier this year has wilted in the summer heat. Fifty-two percent had an optimistic view of the economy in April. The percentage describing the economy as good also declined 10 points among independents to 37 percent and 3 points among Republicans to 28 percent. Overall, 49 percent say they’re doing better now than they were three years ago, in the run up to Obama’s re-election. Americans’ assessment of their own personal finances under his first term were much less rosy.


The CNN/ORC worldwide Poll was conducted by telephone July 22-25 among a random national sample of 1,017 adults, including 898 registered voters. The margin of error in the poll was 3%.

Poll Majority Americans want Iran deal rejected