
Most Challenging Places To Live With Spring Allergies In US Revealed

And if you know you suffer from spring allergies, start taking medications before your symptoms begin.


Syracuse is now one of the worst places to live in the country when it comes to allergies and asthma.

The Asthma and Allergy Foundation of America (AAFA), a leading patient advocacy organization representing almost 61 million Americans who experience asthma or allergies, has released its annual Spring Allergy Capitals report. Syracuse, New York, climbed to third place on this year’s list after ranking 20th in 2015. Meteorologists said the jump is due to a warmer than usual winter.

Molly Matott – Meteorologist, WSTM-Syracuse, says, “Syracuse has had its 6th warmest winter spanning from December to February”.

You can also cut down on pollen exposure by showering and changing clothes when you come home for the day, and wiping down your pets, or consider a trip to Daytona Beach.


It may surprise you to know that Dallas was not as close to the top as you might think, it ranked 27 on the list, up from 19 the year before.

Allergy season is in full swing and Jackson Mississippi currently has the highest pollen count in the nation