
Most-Educated Voters Favor Clinton Over Trump

From Politifact: President Barack Obama squarely denounced Donald Trump’s portrayal of the United States as lawless and weak, saying he is ready to pass the baton off to Democratic nominee Hillary Clinton to build on the country’s progress…


Clinton took aim at Trump during her speech Thursday, at one point even addressing his Twitter style directly.

As Hillary Clinton accepted her nomination, people captured poignant images of young children watching the historic moment.

The real estate mogul did not appreciate Clinton knocking his ability to deal with a national campaign.

Earlier in the evening, a text went out to Bernie Sanders supporters from the Vermont senator’s camp asking they extend “respect” to HRC as her supporters showed him during his July 25 speech to the convention.

“We have never, ever had someone who has walked in our shoes, we have never had someone who understands what it means to be a woman in America, and we have never had the kind of champion that we are going to have in Hillary Clinton”.

One of the shorthand characterizations of our two political parties that has long had some truth to it has been that the Democrats are the mommy party, and the Republicans, the daddy party. It’ll be interesting to see if she makes a direct appeal to conservatives and undecided voters, or offers them a coded message to vote against Trump.

“America is once again at a moment of reckoning”, Clinton said. “We wrote it together”.

“I’m not here to repeal the Second Amendment”, she said after turning to domestic policy.

The president also turned to Republican icons of yesteryear as comparison to highlight how Trump was unprepared for the most important job in the world. “It’s just not right that Donald Trump can ignore his debts, but students and families can’t refinance theirs”. However, one Gallup poll found her to be the country’s most admired woman.

She needs to make a convincing argument that she can bring about change while representing the legacy of Obama, who is nearing the end of his second four-year term with high approval ratings.

Calling former New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg “little”, Trump said Bloomberg, a fellow billionaire, didn’t “have the guts” for a presidential run and “knows nothing about me”.


Clinton said that America has to bridge the divides in this country in regards to guns, race and religion. Her forceful acceptance speech was well-focused on its target, Donald Trump, but occasionally rambling in the elaboration of its theme: “stronger together”. “She was doing everything I was doing, but just like Ginger Rogers, it was backwards in heels”.

Clinton ready to sell herself in biggest political moment