
Most epic meme of 2015: How would a dog wear trousers?

If canines could talk, they’d probably tell you they’d rather not wear them at all.


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The reason why there is any debate is that a dog has four legs, meaning that some people believe dog pants would be made to encompass all of them, as human trews do.

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Maybe there’s room for compromise. Redditors were having none of it, insisting that dogs have two arms and two legs.

The conundrum has appeared before online, but no one has answered the question definitively. Reddit, our little bastion of philosophy, kicked off the question that is stirring debate around the country.

So while you make up your mind, here are some great dogs wearing trousers, many from Instagram’s popular #dogswearingpants hashtag.

It was all sparked by a tweet from Maxim deputy editor Jared Keller.


The only two options are on all four legs or over the back legs only. Although, technically, all dogs’ legs are on the lower half of their body, option one looks flat out ridiculous.

Trending News: Quick, How Should Dogs Wear Pants?