
Most picky eating harmless, but can signal emotional woes

Moderate SE was also associated with symptoms of separation anxiety and ADHD. And two, parents have this weakness of giving in and their children are smart enough to use this to their advantage to get what they want, even when it comes to food.


As for ways to overcome picky eating, there’s not just one method that works, Pelchat said. And the researchers acknowledged that some of the associations weren’t that strong. So for certain children who see, feel, hear and taste their world more intensely, being picky about which foods they eat may be a way of coping with an otherwise overwhelming influx of sensory information. However, a new study has revealed that picky eating and “selective eating” may be a sign of anxiety and depression in young children, according to The Times of India.

While it may not be a concern for diets, the study did find that in a small portion of kids picky eating may signal emotional troubles that should be checked out. Children with autism, who have a high tendency to be selective eaters, were excluded from the study. Of these, about 18 percent were categorized as moderately picky and the rest as severely selective eaters. Researchers found that 20 percent of these children were picky eaters. She said that a more common pickiness, a “normal dislike” involved children who refuse to eat the vegetables on their plates.

Although therapy, such as demystifying the food that causes anxiety through exposure, could benefit some children, traditional methods may not benefit children who have sensitive senses, researchers said. Broccoli is the only veggie he likes, she said, and no fruit. Both parents and physicians should have a clear understanding of when the severity of selective eating should be worrying and of when measures should be taken.

Karen Harpster, an occupational therapist at Cincinnati Children’s, does initial evaluations of patients referred to the feeding team. The same reaction could be triggered by a bad experience that children might have had with the respective food in the past. Their parents might make special meals for them.

The authors indicated they have no potential conflicts of interest to disclose.

Dinner time for Megan Mackell and her two daughters is often a struggle. Yet, numerous pickiest kids came to love their former nemesis, and now eat salads and guacamole with zeal. Even researchers from the University of Rochester share this concept. Various aspects were taken into consideration with caregivers of these kids answering questions based on children’s eating habits, functioning, possible psychiatric symptoms and home environment variables.

“We need to help these parents”, he told Healthline. The study also found that children with selective eating behaviors were almost twice as likely to have increased symptoms of generalized anxiety at follow-up intervals during the study, which screened an initial 3,433 children. Zucker says this alone can start to impair the child’s ability to socialize. Both doctors and parents should use new tools in order to deal with this problem Zucker added.


“I feel like I’ve improved a lot”, Erin said. “We all bring four foods and we try them and rate them”, she said.

Most picky eating harmless, but can signal emotional woes