
Mother of ‘Baby Doe’ held on $1 million bond

Michael McCarthy is charged with murder.


Bella’s father, Joe Amoroso, defended Bond after the arrest.

Rachelle Bond’s lawyer said that Bond wants to cooperate with the investigation and wants to see McCarthy held responsible for Bella’s murder.

“Mike McCarthy, you’re done!” he yelled.

Asked if he had any words for McCarthy, Amoroso said he wanted him to know “he wasn’t going to last a day and he’s done”.

McCarthy is in custody at a Boston area hospital, where he is getting treated for a medical condition; Bond is detained at a separate location, according to the law enforcement source.

Michael McCarthy, who is not Bella’s biological father, and the girl’s mother, Rachelle Bond, were arrested this week in connection with the death.

Earlier during Monday’s arraignment, a woman was escorted out of the courtroom after she yelled at Bond: “I hope you rot in hell!” “She was playful”, said 24-year-old Natalie Camejo, who organized the vigil.

Bond and McCarthy are due back in court on October 20.

Amoroso previously told The Boston Globe and the Boston Herald that Bond told him McCarthy believed the child was possessed by demons and that Bella had been dead several weeks before her body was found.

McCarthy had repeatedly punched her to death, Bond revealed. McCarthy said he would go into the bedroom to calm her down, Deakin said.

McCarthy is being held wihout bail.

“McCarthy denied having any knowledge that Bella Bond was dead or having anything to do with disposing of a body”, the State Police Detective Unit report said. But when he showed up at Bond’s home, she put him off, saying their daughter was away on Cape Cod.

“She was a demon anyway”.

During a search of their apartment, police found books there on demons and demonology, Deakin said.

Baby Bella’s body was found on the shoreline of Deer Island on the afternoon of June 25.

Officials commissioned a computer-generated image to help identify her which was shared millions of times. Police were flooded with tips after the haunting image of the chubby-cheeked, brown-eyed toddler went viral online.

Attorneys for Bond and McCarthy have said little on the case.

We learned that Michael McCarthy was into cults, ghosts, and devils. He told reporters that he was there to “carry out the story of Bella’s life.”

Investigators raided their home Thursday before arresting McCarthy and Bond.

He ended the relationship after learning of her past as a prostitute and moved to Florida, but returned to Massachusetts last week to meet his daughter. But he also lingered over what he could have done differently to save his daughter’s life.

Flowers and a teddy bear left by a passerby near where human remains of an infant were found on Deer Island on Friday, June 26, 2015. Amoroso has not been charged.

“I’m a mother. As a mother, it’s unimaginable someone would do that and I’m just glad I was able to have a small part in giving Bella a name”, she said Saturday night.


Bella had pierced ears and appeared well-nourished at the time of her death.

Rachelle Dee Bond 40 and Patrick McCarthy 35 are arraigned in Dorchester Municipal Court on Monday in connection with the death of 2-year-old Bella Bond whose body was found in June on Deer Island