
Mother of Benghazi Hero Sean Smith Blasts Hillary Clinton as ‘Anti

On September 11, 2012, four Americans, including the U.S. Ambassador to Libya, were killed in a terrorist attack at a USA diplomatic facility in Benghazi, Libya.


“As far as I am concerned, Hillary is anti-mother”. “I think he’s trying to find answers”, she said. “As far as I know, it was the video in that caused everything ’cause no one has told me any different”.

A few three years later, Clinton is expected to provide testimony before the Select Committee on Benghazi on October 22. The panel’s chairman, South Carolina Rep. Trey Gowdy, said he was unaware of the man’s concerns. “I think he’s doing a good job”, the mother told Fox News’ Martha MacCallum on Tuesday.

“Because of the Arab Spring, because of a lot of other things, there was turmoil to be followed, but unless you believe the United States should not send diplomats to any place that is risky, which I do not, then when we send them forth, there is always the potential for danger and risk”, Clinton said. She’s not. Why does she know and I can’t find out about my son?! “Her office has not only not called, but they gave out information that I was not to know anything because I was not a member of the immediate family”. They told me personally that if they would be allowed to go, and they were told to stand down, if they would be allowed to go my son would be alive.


Clinton has maintained that she did not violate any rules or laws by having her own email server, but critics have alleged that a few deleted emails could have provided more Benghazi answers.

Clinton lashes out at US Benghazi committee