
Mother Teresa: A saint despite spiritual ‘darkness’

Ismael Contreras, who met Mother Teresa in 1992, told KPCC he isn’t really surprised that she will officially be recognized as a saint.


“Because her actual canonisation is on Father’s Day, we are having a liturgy the next morning”, she said. He remembered that she was always willing to pose for a picture and never hurried anyone who wanted to speak to her. In her epic years as a missionary, Mother did not convert a single person to a particular religious faith.

Rowe says this weekend’s event which will happen around 4 a.m. MI time on Sunday is nice, but he says it really only confirms what most people have known for a long time – that in Mother Teresa, a living saint walked among us.

In 1985, Mother Teresa spoke at the University of MA in Amherst.

It treats Mother Teresa’s life along the corporal and spiritual works of mercy by quoting from her many writings, offering testimonies and reflections from people who worked by her side or had contact with her throughout her life.

“I revere her as a person of value and a person that has dedicated her life to goodness”, Xhakli said.

It’s important to emphasize that there are countless Catholic and other Christian groups performing outstanding work in India and elsewhere who do not adopt Teresa’s reactionary views and dubious ways, and do not have or want the public relations machine that she enjoyed. “If they call you a saint, you will not put yourself on a pedestal”. She used to say, “Some call Him Ishwar, some call Him Allah, some simply God, but we have to acknowledge that it is He who made us for greater things, to love and to be loved”. He declined to provide their names. Near the end of her life, she traveled the globe as a staunch supporter of the Catholic Church’s position against abortion and contraception. “She died in 1997, and we had a statue of her five years later”.

“We pray about this”, said Leonardo Guerrero, 36, a volunteer with the Missionaries of Charity and who was deported from the United States about two years earlier.

It was not her mission to evaluate the economic policies of the Marxist Party in Bengal or the political strategies of the World Powers.

The Vatican later credited Mother Teresa with a second miracle when a Brazilian man recovered from a life-threatening bacterial infection of the brain after his wife prayed to the nun, paving the way for Sunday’s sainthood ceremony.

It also won her vast love in her adopted home. “But the ocean would be less because of that missing drop”, she would tell her sisters. “The greatest destroyer of peace today is the cry of the innocent unborn child”, she said.

Abandoned by the side of the road, he was rescued by the Missionaries of Charity, a congregation founded by Mother Teresa in 1950. I went to many doctors and she was not getting well. The novice mistress was 105, though she didn’t look a day over 80.

“You can be joyful even if you’re suffering because you are accepting, and you are working and acting with love that gives meaning to the suffering”, he said in the courtyard of one of the Missionaries of Charity houses on the periphery of Rome.

While Kolkata still grapples with poverty and economic uncertainty, it is also one of India’s more affordable and safer cities. It must be said here that such a process is exclusive only to the Roman Catholic Church.


And as I have said before, it is attractive to reflect how many Saints, Blesseds, Venerables and Servants of God have lived and worked and walked these streets here in Los Angeles. I had just been ordained a priest.

Mother Teresa