
MP has ‘no regrets’ over Jeremy Corbyn nomination

The MP for Blackley and Broughton – who starts by complaining that “the starting gun was fired” before there had been an opportunity “to analyse our abysmal performance in the General Election” – warns there has been ‘massive infiltration into our party… in order to vote for Jeremy Corbyn in the belief that he will lead us to political oblivion.’.


The Mirror revealed this week that acting leader Harriet Harman had sent all MPs a list of members who had signed up since the election and asked them to check for infiltrators. “We also want to encourage municipal and co-operative developments of energy, essentially the more locally you generate electricity the more efficient it is”, he said.

But while Corbyn did talk expressively about bringing much more of the UK’s energy infrastructure under public ownership, he said doing the same with energy generation would be “impossible” if it was to include hundreds of thousands of homes with solar PV installations.

Some of those present were former Labour Party members. He represents sane principles that are worth fighting for (and there are so many of us out here needing them).

In addition an estimated 35,000 become registered members for £3 and another 35,000 as trade union affiliates. He will also commit to the establishment of a new “national rail” government body, answerable to the transport secretary, to ensure passengers are always offered the cheapest ticket for their journey, and the re-regulation of the bus services.Mr Corbyn and Ms Kendall have been taking part in several hustings around the UK with fellow hopefuls Andy Burnham, MP for Leigh and Yvette Cooper, MP for Normanton, Pontefract and Castleford.

“I want them to stay”, he said.

He said a newspaper article had branded him a “radical” for his stance on issues including welfare reform.

With just 34 days until the new Labour leader is announced the battle for the top spot of the opposition party is well under way. Yes, there is a problem of low pay.

He added: “But it would be very complacent and wrong to ignore the truth of some of the observations he is making about ways in which society could be better”.

“I think it’s unnerving people – people in the media, people in the party itself”.

He said: “The Labour Party has a robust system to prevent fraudulent or malicious applications”.


“Leadership candidates who believe as I do that Labour has to be a party of government not of protest, a party that commands the progressive centre-ground of British politics and which carries the widest support of the public, have to step up to the plate with real intensity and clarity and make that case with urgency and with passion”.

Jeremy Corbyn