
Much Of New Top Gear’s First Studio Audience Left Early And ‘Unimpressed’

However Evans has reportedly written in his Daily Mail column that with all the negative media since they started filming at the beginning of the year, he is “preparing for the worst while hoping for the best” with the revamped show.


Meanwhile, the original “Top Gear” also underwent major changes with host Chris Evans roped in together with other notable personas including Rory Reid, Sabine Schmitz, Chris Harris, Eddie Jordan as well as Matt LeBlanc to be the presenters of the BBC series.

According to a source, Evans introduced the owners of his local curry house but joked he was “not allowed” to mention the catering on the programme.

Filming “Top Gear” has already taken LeBlanc and Evans to South Africa, Morocco, northern England, France, Kazakhstan, Italy and Cuba.

After Clarkson departed there were a number of stories criticising the reinvented show. They continued by saying “Chris Evans is not known in the they’ve had to bring in two guests instead of one each week to build the brand out there”. Hopefully things progress as the show gets into the swing of things.

There are a lot of interesting reasons for the name of the new show, but the largest premise its use of a large travelling tent that will make it to a new location every week to record a small “studio-like” section for each video. It is unknown how many episodes there will be and whether they will be broadcasted each week or available in one go. However, due to moving the larger studio audience (some of whom were on a gallery above the main set) around for different shots and retakes it took three times that.

Evans apparently seemed much more comfortable during the celebrity interview stage, where he spoke to Jesse Eisenberg and Gordon Ramsey.


And Chris previously admitted filming “Top Gear” is like nothing he has experienced before.

Chris Evans 'unleashes furious sweary rant at Top Gear audience&#039