
Mulcair touts NDP child care plan in Vancouver

NDP Leader Tom Mulcair is promising to inject millions of dollars into preventing and fighting natural disasters as Western Canada find itself in the midst of one of its worst wildfire seasons on record.


Nowhere are the dynamics of the marathon federal election marketing campaign extra pronounced than in Ontario the place the key events are in a three-way dogfight for the province’s 121 seats of the whole 228 seats within the Home of Commons.

“The NDP’s position is decriminalization the minute we form government”, he told reporters at an August 20 campaign stop in Vancouver.

This shows the same trend being spotted by two other polls this week, namely the decline of Bloc Quebecois support in favour of the NDP.

Mulcair added that he met with Premier Greg Selinger on Thursday night.

Mulcair says he would increase funding to public safety to set up 2,500 new police officers on the streets, if elected in October. 6 RBC Convention Centre, 375 York Ave.

On numerous occasions, he also had to speak above hecklers who loudly called on him to stop the Energy East pipeline and oilsands projects.

Mulcair talked at length about First Nations issues.

In the statement, which came to light at Duffy’s ongoing criminal trial in Ottawa this week, the lawyer says that Harper’s current chief of staff, Ray Novak, was aware of Wright’s plan, despite claims by the Conservative party that both Novak and Harper did not know.

“It was my first stint out west and I remember, for example, when the CF-18 contract was taken away from Bristol Aerospace here in Winnipeg and given to Canadair”, he said.


When asked which party people would never vote for, the Conservative party topped the list throughout the country and in Quebec. He did suggest, however, that the NDP could announce a candidate there in the next couple weeks.

Deb Mulcair at NDP rally