
Multiple Polls Show Donald Trump 2 Points Behind Hillary Clinton

The newspaper touted Clinton’s government experience and said she’s demonstrated an ability to work with Republicans.


Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump speaks to the Conservative Party of New York Presidential Convention on Wednesday.

By not endorsing a Republican presidential candidate, The Dallas Morning News broke a tradition that had lasted for more than 75 years.

Hillary Clinton’s campaign manager, Robby Mook, today called Republican nominee Donald Trump’s hinting at classified intelligence briefing information “concerning”.

The appearances mark an intense, two-day focus on national security by Trump, who has offered tough rhetoric – but few details – on America’s challenges overseas.

Democratic presidential nominee Hillary Clinton says that Donald Trump’s failure to spell out a plan to defeat the self-described Islamic State is “not only unsafe but should be disqualifying” for the office of the presidency. It was aimed at rebutting Clinton’s arguments that she would be best positioned to lead the military and reassuring Republicans who have openly anxious that his provocative statements might undermine USA alliances.

But Don writes, “Trump seems to be healthy but Hillary is a mess.Who goes into a four-minute coughing fit and can not recover?”

Jason Miller, Trump’s senior communications director, issued a statement denouncing Clinton’s remarks as “desperate attacks of a flailing campaign sinking in the polls, and characteristics of someone woefully unfit for the presidency of the United States”.

But Trump is trying to stir up similar questions about Clinton, who spent four years as President Obama’s secretary of state.

This cycle, voters know all too well what’s not presidential: “Donald Trump and his narrow views and divisive rhetoric”.

PROPOSAL: Immediately after taking office, Mr. Trump will ask the generals to present a plan within 30 days to defeat and destroy ISIS. Asked their “support for Donald Trump”, 54 percent said it was more of “A vote for Donald Trump”, while 43 percent said it was more of “A vote against Hillary Clinton”.

“I make no excuses for it”, she said.

“I think that when you serve in the armed forces, that’s a very special situation”, Trump said.

“I think under the leadership of Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton, the generals have been reduced to rubble”, Trump said.


While there are those who have voiced their concerns about Trump’s views on foreign policy, citing for example his remarks regarding Russian Federation and the war in Iraq, what may be more telling is just how disliked and distrusted Clinton is by many military personnel and veterans.

Donald Trump wants to give US military 30 days to come up with a plan to defeat IS