
Muralist scribbling ‘Black Lives Matter’ on art gallery wall

Garza said that the network could become more involved with candidates in the future but “we’re not there yet”.


The Seahawks have changed that this week, though, thanks to the open and honest discussions that a couple of their players have had about the Black Lives Matter movement.

“I believe all lives matter”, he said Friday from the top rungs of a ladder, but added, “it is black people being killed in disproportionate numbers unjustly by law enforcement without due process”. Not just black people, too, because you see a lot of people within the Black Lives Matters organization that are white, Spanish, they are all dealing with the same type of hardships that are going on around the world. “Black lives matter. As a matter of fact, we all as human beings matter”.

The collective social justice movement that has come to be known as Black Lives Matter was birthed out of the recent highly publicized killings of unarmed African-Americans by officers of the government.

Bennett said he thinks Sherman’s viewpoint, which puts the onus on the African-American community to eradicate crime within itself, misses the point.

With that said and, as intelligent as he comes off, I’m not with him on this one. Even a “Stanford Educated brother ” like Richard Sherman knows that years of systematic oppression, Cointelpro, throw in a little crack thanks to Ollie North, brought to you by Ronald Reagan and the next thing you know you’ve got the crack epidemic…. It’s true that the black community isn’t the only group carrying that burden on our collective backs, but like Wale said, we can only worry about us first, right? So you should always keep that in mind.

Sherman said that, as a black man, he believes black lives do matter, but he doesn’t necessarily agree with the approach of some advocates. “Those two people never would have been in any space together before where they could have had that exchange and to see that on one of the wildest nights in St. Louis City is something that I will never forget”.

“I think it’s an important message to get out there to kids, especially while you have the platform. Obviously I’m one person and there are other people out there speaking out against it but we do what we can”. But these are things a lot of us have dealt with our whole lives. I think people realize that, at the end of the day, we’re all human beings.


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