
Murder inquiry launched after Belfast house fire

A woman has died in a house fire on the edge of west Belfast.


The second floor of the two-storey terrace appeared totally destroyed and witnesses said the flames could be seen from miles away.

POLICE hunting the killer of popular mum of three Jennifer Dornan are examining CCTV footage from a nearby garage in the hope it will yield vital clues.

Following the results of a post mortem examination today, Jennifer’s death has been declared a murder.

The next door neighbour’s house, which was also badly damaged in the blaze, remains closed off as part of the crime scene.

Ms Dornan’s brother died suddenly in 2009.

Hundreds of people have attended a candle lit vigil at the scene and an online campaign to raise funds for her family has already exceeded £10,000.

Mourners at a vigil outside Jennifer Dornan’s house.

The PSNI said it has launched a murder inquiry into the 30 year old’s death.

“Jennifer leaves behind three young children – two boys and a girl all under nine”. It is understood they had been staying with their grandmother that night.

Detective Superintendent Kevin Geddes, who is leading the murder investigation, appealed to the driver or any passengers who were travelling in the silver vehicle to come forward.

They know that Ms Dornan returned home shortly after 3am after a night out – but they do not know what happened next, before a fire was reported at the property at about 5am.

He appealed for help from the public to catch her killer, describing how Ms Dornan had been socialising with friends at the Devenish complex on Saturday night before going to a friend’s house close to her home and then leaving to walk home around 3am.

The family source said donations have been coming in from across Northern Ireland and from as far away as England for the youngsters.

Anyone with information is asked to contact detectives on the non emergency 101 number.


She said: “This news has sent shock waves through the local community who have rallied round her family”. Ms Dornan’s father Stephen urged anyone with information about the “animal” who killed his daughter to come forward.

Claire Caldwell- who launched a fund for Jennifer Dornan’s children- with friends Martine Conlon Vicky McKowen Eleanor Mulligan and Alice Conlon