
Music Corporation Files Lawsuit Against Huckabee For Unlawful Use Of “Eye Of”

Presidential candidate Mike Huckabee was a vocal supporter of the Rowan county official, who served a short jail sentence for refusing to issue gay marriage licenses.


In 2008, Tom Scholz of the band Boston said that Huckabee did not have permission to play his song “More Than A Feeling”, which Huckabee played bass along to before a crowd.

By Chris CookeSurvivor’s Frankie Sullivan has reportedly gone legal over USA presidential hopeful Mike Huckabee’s use of his hit “Eye Of The Tiger” at a political rally back in September.

Then Sullivan took to the band’s Facebook page to spell things out clearly to the public. Davis was ordered to jail last week for contempt of court after refusing a court order to issue marriage licenses to same-sex couples.

Though there has always been conflict between politicians and the musicians whose songs they use in campaign events, the beef between Huckabee and Sullivan is set to play out in court.

“I do not like mixing rock and roll with politics; they do not go hand in hand”, Sullivan told the magazine. The lawsuit charges that Huckabee allowed the song to be played at the rally for Davis, even though he knew he was committing copyright infringement when he did so. “The campaign offered Mr. Sullivan fair compensation, but that offer was rejected”.

According to CNN, Rude Music brought suit against Huckabee in federal court in IL.


“Artists’ complaints of candidates’ unauthorized use of their songs have become an election-year staple”.

Mike Huckabee sued for using song Eye of the Tiger at rally for Kim Davis