
Muslim-Americans are best defence against home-grown terrorism: Hillary

Clinton on Tuesday presented her strategy to protect the homeland and prevent domestic terrorist attacks.


At the heart of Clinton’s strategy is shutting down the online recruiting and training systems used by ISIS, through stepped up intelligence sharing and careful scrutinizing of social media, and the prevention of potential jihadists from traveling to the United States. Clinton has sought to portray herself as resolute while Republicans are fearful in the face of terrorism, and she has drawn on her experience. Clinton’s speech will be held at the University of Minnesota.

She said the U.S. and its allies needed to commit to better sharing of information about suspected terrorists and take steps to revoke the passports and visas of those who joined IS.

In addition, the former secretary of state highlighted the importance of working closely with Muslim-American communities and the location for the speech was no accident.

“To all our Muslim American brothers and sisters: This is your country too”, she said.

“Promising to carpet bomb until the desert glows doesn’t make you sound strong – it makes you sound like you’re in over your head”, Clinton said, referencing a comment made by Republican senator Ted Cruz of Texas.

She also sought to directly link gun-control reform to counter-terrorism efforts, renewing her call for universal background checks, a limit on high-capacity magazines and a ban on assault weapons.

As Clinton’s supporters continue to hope Buffett will come through for their candidate, she planned Wednesday to continue talking about ways to help the middle class and appeal to regular Americans.

She also took a swipe at her Republican rivals’ proposals for defeating ISIS, saying “bluster and bigotry are not credentials for becoming commander in chief”.

Just after the undercard Republican presidential debate began on Tuesday night, the “big three” networks of ABC, CBS, and NBC offered previews of the impending “freewheeling and fiery slugfest” debate and contrasted that with plenty of laudatory rhetoric for “grown up” Hillary Clinton as she spoke in Minnesota about ISIS and “slamm[ed] Republicans for fearmongering”.

House Republican lawmakers brought a lawsuit challenging the legality of the president’s decision to unilaterally delay the employer mandate part of the Affordable Health Care law, and the Supreme Court unanimously struck down as unconstitutional the Obama administration’s “recess” appointments to the National Labor Relations Board, which were conducted in an effort to bypass congressional votes.

Clinton drew several standing ovations while speaking about the successes of the Twin Cities area in combating extremism – especially with the substantial Somali community in Minneapolis. “To do that we need stronger relationships between Washington, Silicon Valley and all of our great tech companies”, she said. Muslim, Christian and Jewish leaders all stood together asking that hate be replaced with discussion. “Well, I have news for them: Terrorists use guns to kill Americans, and I think we should make it a lot harder for them to do in that ever again”.


Appearing in Omaha, Neb. alongside Warren Buffett for who the rule is named, Clinton said it will be necessary to ensure a fair tax system.

Clinton US needs'360-degree anti-terror strategy