
Muslim families of fallen US soldiers driven to oppose Trump

House Speaker Paul Ryan, R-Wis., took a shot at Republican nominee Donald Trump Thursday, saying the billionaire “had a pretty unusual run since the convention” and that he finds it “distressing” that he is not focusing on Hillary Clinton.


Rather than rallying behind the Republican nominee in the dispute, several party leaders backed the Khan family, including Republican party Chairman Reince Priebus, who said Gold Star families should be “off limits”. “But of course, I was hit very hard from the stage and you know it’s just one of those things but no, I don’t regret anything”.

“If it was up to Donald Trump, [my son] never would have been in America”, Khan said.

“Donald Trump consistently smears the character of Muslims”, Kahn said.

Thomas Keefe, a Vietnam veteran who once worked for the Bill Clinton administration, on Wednesday launched an online fundraising campaign to encourage Khan to run for the Virginia House of Delegates.

“Gold Star families, the love in that room was so incredible”.

In order to keep up with the flurry of Trump stories, satire now needs to happen in real time.

Khan electrified the convention when he pulled out a pocket copy of the Constitution, and said Trump’s plan to bar Muslim immigration would have kept families like his out of the country.

It all goes back to last week, when Khan’s father, Khizr Khan during the Democratic National Convention criticized Trump’s proposals to bar Muslims from entering the United States. “I stand their quietly and I close my eyes, and I talk to my creator”.

“I’m an American before I’m a Republican”, Kinzinger said on CNN’s “The Situation Room” on Wednesday. John McCain, who was held for five years as a POW. While thanking the attendees for the meeting, Trump agreed to make a donation to that group.

Jim Frazier, whose son was killed in combat in Afghanistan, said Trump’s comments are hurtful to veterans and their families. “Capt. Khan was one such courageous example”, Ryan said. “Mr. Khan is someone who has achieved the American dream and made the ultimate sacrifice for this country”.

“I was going to vote for Trump, still might”, said Luanne Miller, an Army vet, there with a friend.


“I like Paul, but these are awful times for our country”, Trump told the Washington Post in an interview published on Tuesday. Clinton was secretary of State at that time, and she has come under intense scrutiny for what her critics say was gross miscalculation and inaction as the attack occurred.

All Right, GOP, Its Time to Dump Donald Trump