
Muslim woman kicked out of Donald Trump rally in Charlotte

At the event, Ms. Hamid was handing out pens, decorated with a single red rose and the word “salam” which in Arabic means “peace” and is used as a greeting.


A man who says he is a Donald TrumpDonald TrumpTrump supporter says he was kicked out of rally “because I’m brown” EXCLUSIVE Bardella: On Steve Bannon and why I’m voting for Hillary Report: FBI, DOJ looking at Manafort in Ukraine investigation MORE supporter was escorted out of the Republican nominee’s rally in Charlotte, N.C., on Thursday and said he believes he was racially profiled.

“I couldn’t believe what was going on”, Anantha said. Anantha says he told the man this was his first Trump rally and he had no intention to protest.

When the Charlotte Observer pressed for an explanation of whether the campaign still believes Anantha has disrupted previous events or whether this was a case of mistaken identity, Bell said the identification was made by Trump’s security director, former Federal Bureau of Investigation agent Eddie Deck. Trump makes a big show of how much he likes to interact with the protesters, but the campaign’s preemptive removal or denial of entry to people who look suspicious to them suggests a group that is governed by fear, not strength. He says his son, as a young person of colour appearing at a rally where the Republican presidential nominee touted his support for people of colour, “should have been looked at as a flawless Trump supporter”.

He was reportedly informed that he resembled a protester at a different Trump rally. “Why are all these white people allowed to attend and I’m not?”

“I just wanted to let people know that Muslims who don’t support Trump can get along with people who do support Trump”, she told WBTV News on Thursday, saying she had positive conversations with Trump supporters. Anantha, who said he’s a student at Central Piedmont Community College, was wearing a pro-Trump shirt with another pro-Trump shirt underneath, reported CNN.

“It can’t be of me because like I said I’ve never protested against Trump”.

Ramesh and Jake blame Trump for the type of staff he employs in his campaign.


Jake Anantha says he thinks he’ll vote for Libertarian Gary Johnson.

Muslim woman kicked out of Donald Trump rally in Charlotte