
Muslim women call out Donald Trump with #CanYouHearUsNow

While Walker has endorsed Trump, they have not appeared on the same stage together since the Republican presidential debates past year when they were running against one another in the GOP primary.


Trump has been attacked by both Democrats and Republicans for his repeated criticism of Khizr and Ghazala Khan, the parents of a Muslim U.S. Army captain who was killed in Iraq. You tell me,”Trump said to ABC’s George Stephanopoulos”.

“Have you no decency, man?” is the question on everyone’s mind this week. “Service to our country is above politics”. The celebrity billionaire also declared that Khan had no right to challenge Trump.

On Monday, he tweeted that “Mr. Khan, who does not know me, viciously attacked me from the stage of the DNC and is now all over T.V. doing the same”.

Instead, Mr Trump appeared to be caught on Sunday in one of the biggest crises of his campaign.

Veterans of Foreign Wars, the largest U.S. war veterans group, heaped scorn on Trump’s “out of bounds” criticism of a fallen soldier’s mother.

In a letter published Monday on, a group of 11 “Gold Star” families wrote, “Your recent comments regarding the khan family were repugnant and personally offensive to us”. All three have said they would support Trump as the GOP presidential nominee. “They serve as a powerful reminder of the strength of America and we have to do everything we can for those families and honor them and be humbled by them”.

Requests to Trump’s campaign for additional explanation were not returned.

After all, a candidate at this stage has to broaden his or her appeal, especially in swing states.

Trump’s rebuke to Ryan carried particular derision.

“McCain’s window to take a principled stand and abandon Trump has closed”. Said his wife: “My religion or my family or my culture never stopped me from saying what I want to say”.

Michael Kawash, from Charleston, West Virginia, said the story was being blown out of proportion by the media. But they have repeatedly distanced themselves from the real estate mogul every time he sparks controversy.

The families of 23 other slain U.S. soldiers berated Trump for his “repugnant and personally offensive” remarks. “Their loss, and also to be proud of the service their family and their son and daughter has offered to our country”.

The president went on to add, “Let me say something else about this generation. It’s something I couldn’t do”. Their immediate goal is to keep Trump enmeshed in a fight against the Khans. Clinton leads Trump in the same poll, 41 percent to 36 percent. He disrespects other minorities, women, judges, even his own party leadership.

The senior Trump has so far not apologized for his remarks toward the Khans, despite Eric Trump’s claim.

Trump broke precedent again on Monday, lambasting Clinton’s nomination rival Bernie Sanders for giving in to her nomination, saying the Vermont senator “made a deal with the devil”. John McCain, decried Trump’s remarks.

Gov. Greg Abbott is coming to the defense of a fallen Muslim soldier’s family, which has been under attack from Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump. “He has suggested that the likes of their son should not be allowed in the United States — to say nothing of entering its service”, McCain wrote.

He equated Trump’s statement to those Clinton made to Fox News on Sunday responding to a speech made at the Republican National Convention by a mother whose son died in Benghazi, Libya, in 2012. Michelle and I have spent countless hours with them.

“Him and I have [the] same equal rights”.

The Speaker did not mention Trump by name but, in a clear reproach of the Republican nominee, he lambasted the notion of attacking military families.

President Barack Obama continued to implicitly criticize Donald Trump today, complaining that he and the Republican party were talking down the American military.


“They continue to say why Ms. Khan did not speak, and her silence spoke louder than any words”, said Linda Sarsour, the executive director of the Arab American Association of NY. In other words, she told a whopper of a lie. “You will see all faiths, genders and ethnicities”, Khan said, inviting Trump to visit Arlington National Cemetery.

Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump holds a Purple Heart medal given to him by a supporter during a campaign rally at Briar Woods High School Tuesday Aug. 2 2016 in Ashburn Va