
Muslims Have Strong Negative View of ISIS

The United States is expected to grant at least 660,000 green cards to immigrants from Muslim-majority nations within the next five years, according to statistics issued by the Department of Homeland Security. Do you ever hear them say “Christian terrorist”? “Any of them”, supporter Charlie Marzka, 75, told CNN.


Hooper thinks that the political vitriol that followed the attacks has stoked the flames of hate even more than the attacks themselves. As soon as we put boots on the ground, the Islamic State is rewarded with the war it wants, with the propaganda machine it can’t otherwise replicate, and with the martyrdom its members welcome. Terrorists still were able to strike Paris and kill more than 130 people.

And since the Paris attacks last month, the USA has seen an ugly outbreak of hate speech and some troubling attacks against Muslims. Looks of distaste or fear that greet Muslims on the streets.

“In no country surveyed did more than 15 percent of the population show favourable attitudes toward Islamic State”. By 2050, their numbers will grow – to 2.1%. So almost two-thirds considered Obama’s response to be fair or poor. We must show that we are only loyal to our country, whether it is Canada, the USA, the U.K., France, Germany, Belgium, Denmark, or wherever it is we call home. They are thugs and killers, part of a cult of death, and they account for a tiny fraction of more than a billion Muslims around the world – including millions of patriotic Muslim Americans who reject their hateful ideology.

“By taking such an extreme position, he may force more timid politicians like President Obama to finally confront this ISIS menace properly – before it’s too late”, he wrote.

They’ve been here since the birth of the nation… His family came to the United States from the United Arab Emirates, where Khan was born.

Baker grew up a Christian and converted to Islam within the past few years. Brushing all Muslims with the same broad brush that’s intended for a relative handful is not consistent with the Golden Rule or with the principles, values, and morals that we stand for as Americans. The first mosque built in America was in, of all places, Ross, North Dakota, back in 1929.

Islam is the fastest growing religion in the world and is expected to outstrip Christianity by the end of the century.

Ahussain said Muslim Advocates, a national legal advocacy and educational organization based in California, wholeheartedly supports the president’s call for unity. About half say they attend the weekly Friday prayers.

More need to remind Americans that bigotry will only be exploited by ISIL in its effort to provoke an apocalyptic showdown between Islam and the West.

Much has been made about fundamentalist Muslims and their strict interpretation of the Quran. It’s our responsibility to reject proposals that Muslim Americans should somehow be treated differently.

We must not forget America is the most generous country in the world. The government should close the borders to anyone suspected of even a passing involvement with any radical cell or terrorist network. Yet, the president of the United States – the leader of the free world – still refuses to identify the threat or commit to a plan to combat it.

So why didn’t Barack Obama finish his speech by pointing out that Americans are 170 times more likely to drown in the bath than to be killed by Islamist terrorists?


“Muslim Americans are our friends and our neighbors, our co-workers, our sports heroes – and, yes, they are our men and women in uniform who are willing to die in defense of our country”, Mr. Obama said.

President Barack Obama blended a methodical explanation of his administration’s practical efforts to combat terrorism with an appeal to reject rash calls for a ground war in the Middle East and discrimination against Muslims at home. Yet the Republi