
My supporters would stick with me through shooting

She says she has no doubt that if elected president, Cruz would cancel the moratorium nearly immediately.


This means that Trump’s support among Republicans is even stronger than it appears in the national polls, since his voters are less likely to abandon him for another candidate.

Limbaugh said that these members of the Republican elite are “aware that no such deal-making that damages the country will occur with Ted Cruz” and are now “telegraphing their fears” by siding with Trump.

“Donald trump is simply trying to distract voters from his own support of amnesty”, Cruz spokeswoman Catherine Frazier said in a statement.

“He was supporting [Sen.] Marco Rubio’s Dream Act”, Cruz said, referencing another presidential candidate who worked on comprehensive immigration reform in 2012.

New Hampshire’s largest newspaper, the Union Leader, was dropped as a co-sponsor of another debate after it published a series of front-page editorials criticizing Trump and endorsed New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie.

Donald Trump trumpeted the endorsement of Sarah Palin on Tuesday, but Ted Cruz countered Saturday with his own endorsement from a prominent conservative personality: radio host Glenn Beck.

“We have people pouring in, pouring in, and they are doing tremendous damage, if you look at crime if you look at the economy”, Trump says in the ad. “We want to have borders”.

Donald Trump has been a hard target for criticism from his rivals because not all of his supporters are conservatives.

Trump demonstrated the extent to which some in the Republican establishment have begun to accept a potential Trump nomination when Grassley introduced him at a later event in Pella.

“We need a new George Washington”, said Mr. Beck. In fact, a good portion of the support for Trump is driven by protest. Cruz said the message to voters should be clear.


While that specific dynamic was aimed toward state government elections, it’s also a fact that Trump, Cruz and Carson have all campaigned as essentially outsiders and challengers to the political status quo. He often talks about how he’s been in politics all his life and has been seen as the “fair-haired boy” showering contributions on both Republicans and Democrats.

National Review’ Tries to Take Down Donald Trump