
N.Korea Has H-Bomb, Says Kim Jong

But experts are not ruling out the possibility that Kim may be developing this particular weapon. A hydrogen bomb, also known as a thermonuclear bomb, uses more advanced technology to produce a significantly more powerful blast than an atomic bomb.


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South Korea’s intelligence community was skeptical about the North’s H-bomb capability, with an intelligence official saying that the North is not believed to have such capabilities when it has not yet mastered the technology to miniaturize nuclear warheads.

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North Korean leader Kim Jong-un has suggested his nuclear-armed state has developed a hydrogen bomb, a move that would signal a major step forward in its nuclear weapons capabilities.

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Kim Jong Un, the third-generation leader of North Korea, made the claim while visiting the site of a former munitions factory in central Pyongyang.

Readers are encouraged to share their own views with fellow readers on this whether North Korea really has developed a hydrogen bomb and what will be the consequences on broader aspects if the claim turns to be true.

North Korea’s internationally isolated regime is a heavily militarized state with a huge standing army of 1.2 million active soldiers and 7.7 million reservists.

Hyon Song-wol, leader of North Korea’s all-female propaganda band, appeared in public Friday, quelling a series of rumors and many media reports that she was executed in 2013.

So why would North Korea-having been virtually silent on the issue of fusion bombs for five years-suddenly mention them? South Korea, however, believed the photos were real and that North Korea had executed a successful missile launch from a submarine. “I’ll make best efforts to resolve them one by one in a calm and orderly way”, said Hwang before heading for the dialogue venue.

The two Korean countries are technically at war with each other since their 1950-53 conflict ended in a truce and not a treaty.

Song told Choe that China “attaches great importance” to the visit by the North Korean band and its concerts in Beijing, calling their performances a “stage of China-North Korea friendship”.

Chinese Foreign Ministry spokeswoman Huan Chunying added they hope concerned effort will be made to bring peace and stability.

In a paper published by the Institute for Science and International Security in Washington in September, David Albright and Serena Kelleher-Vergantini said that North Korea might be trying to use the only operational reactor at its main nuclear complex in Yongbyon, north of Pyongyang, to produce tritium. But Zhang Liangui, a North Korea expert who once studied in the country, said he strongly doubts it.


Intelligence officials told NBC the country thinks a successful test equals more “stature in negotiations with the U.S”. Hence, the claim has to be given a good year by South Korea as well as worldwide community.

Kim Jong Un outside the Phyongchon Revolutionary Site Dec. 10 2015