
N. Korea math student seeks asylum in Hong Kong

South Korea officially welcomes escapees from the North via a resettlement program – but Seoul has also had North Korean propaganda to deal with.


One widely-cited report from Ming Pao stated that the defector is a North Korean student, aged 18, who attended the 57th Mathematical Olympiad at the Hong Kong University of Science and Technology between July 6 and 16.

Police patrols around the area have been boosted and security stepped up.

The government has yet to comment on the case, which, under the Basic Law, will be handled by the central government as it involves foreign affairs, the Hong Kong Economic Journal reported.

However, she confirmed that there were police officers on guard outside the entrance and that journalists would be stopped from filming. A ministry official said the South Korean government’s position was not to make any comments related to North Korean defectors, keeping in mind their safety and diplomatic relations with relevant countries.

Local media suggests the Hong Kong government is keen to avoid a similar outcome of a saga in 2013 where USA whistle-blower Edward Snowden hid in a Hong Kong hotel before flying to Russian Federation for temporary asylum.

China usually sends back North Koreans found entering its territory illegally.

Tensions between North and South Korea have been particularly high since the North’s fourth nuclear test in January.

The South Korean consulate in Hong Kong declined to comment on the incident on Thursday morning.

Multiple versions of reports regarding the identity of the rumoured defector have surfaced since then.


A North Korean student in Hong Kong for an global math contest is reportedly seeking asylum in the South Korean consulate located in the city.

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