
NASA astronauts makes year-long mission on worldwide Space Station

Currently, Kelly is on a year-long mission to the global Space Station (ISS).


To mark the occassion, NASA invited me down to Houston for a special event!

The infographic was created to explain some of what’s happening to astronaut Scott Kelly during his yearlong mission aboard the global Space Station, which marked its midpoint on Wednesday. Scott Kelly will be in space for 340 days, the longest time a human being has ever lived outside of Earth. They also undergo ultrasound and MRIs to know the difference in their bone density, cell tissue, and other DNA markers.

Under the US National Space Policy of 2010, the National Aeronautics and Space Agency (NASA) is developing the capabilities needed to send humans to Mars in the 2030s. She wasn’t alive to witness the first space shuttle launch.

Astronaut will run more than 600 miles on an especially designed treadmill during his one-year stay.

Scott has already experienced significant physical changes after six months in space.

In an interview broadcasted by NASA, Kelly offered some details about his current situation in the ISS, stating that the feels “pretty good overall”, though there are aspects of Earth that he dearly misses.

Apart from Kelly and Korniyenko, Kelly’s brother is also part of the mission, but he is participating from earth.

There’s a lot to examine. In essence, researchers want to find out if people age faster in space. His experiments include comparisons with his Earth-bound identical twin, Mark Kelly, a former astronaut. And she’s not even old enough to remember the start of the global Space Station.

There are moments of levity between the twins, who regularly speak with each other.

In another of its new programs, the organization will award scholarships for students to attend Space Camp at the U.S. Space & Rocket Center in Huntsville, Alabama.


The sonogram probes have to be placed just so and it can take a long time for medics on the ground and astronauts in space to get the positioning right. He joked that after seeing a picture of his brother’s breakfast of bacon and eggs, he questioned who had the better role in the Twins Study. “I tried to get him to get a larger tattoo that said ‘Place probe here, ‘ but he didn’t go for that idea”.

During his 342-day-ong stay on the orbiting laboratory Scott Kelly will produce nearly 180 pounds of poop