
Nasa offers $1500 prize for smartwatch app for astronauts

Nasa hires the brightest minds in the world to help it explore our Universe.


In return for your efforts Nasa is offering up $1 500 (R19 180) and the prestige of knowing your design is being used in space everyday. To get around this Nasa has decided to go hands free and has asked designers to use the Samsung Gear 2 smartwatch as a basis for their design.

“We are interested in the emerging world of smartwatch technology and are looking to leverage this technology to create a smartwatch app that could be helpful to astronauts”, the NASA listing reads.

“Footage of a glowing light hovering over the worldwide Space Station (ISS) has reignited fears that aliens are keeping their eyes on us”, sputnik news said. With 16 million people using, we’re betting one or two will rise to the challenge.

The competition is set to run for four weeks.

The deliverables are wireframes highlighting the unique design’s navigation, interaction, layout, look, feel and other important elements of the design. Astronauts can use the radio to strike up an idle chat at will, usually during their break hours. The official challenge on briefs that the app will be used for Crew Timeline Application – that will display the agenda with an ability to easily move to a day in past or future.

The app also needs to include “Communication Status”, which will display whether or not they are now able to communicate with Mission Control on Earth, depending on the position of the ISS. This general design should direct attention to the appropriate information for a task and increase efficiency. And they’re pretty bad.


The “Astronaut Smartwatch App” will first be used by the robotic crew member “Robonaut 2” now helping the astronauts on the orbiting laboratory, said in a statement.

NASA is crowdsourcing designs for an astronaut smartwatch app for the ISS