
NASA Suspends Next Mars Mission by at Least 2 Years

The mission will launch during the period March 4 to March 30, 2016, and land on Mars Sept. 28, 2016.


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And as Pro Football Talk’s Michael David Smith noted, that’s the only coaching job Detmer held prior to his appointment by Sitake. He and his wife Viola are the parents of six children. “I am excited to be back home”, said Tuiaki, who lived in Provo, Utah.

During a test Monday at ultracold temperatures, about minus 50 degrees Fahrenheit, a leak was again observed.

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He famously refused to criticize Clinton over her use of a personal email account and private email server as secretary of state. Twenty-nine percent of these undeclared voters say they would pick him, compared to just 15 percent among registered Republicans.

The spacecraft was to have launched from the Vandenberg launch site in California. Its findings will improve understanding about the evolution of the inner solar system’s rocky planets, including Earth.

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MCCAMMON: You know, Audie, a few of the Republican voters I talked to today are anxious about the tone of this campaign. He is followed by Cruz with 18 percent, Rubio with 13 percent and Jeb Bush with seven percent.

InSight’s goal is to probe the structure of the Martian interior by listening to how marsquakes ring through the planet.

There’s not enough time to fix the leak before the March launch date – or any other date in all of 2016. That added hundreds of millions of dollars to the mission cost, boosting the total price tag to $2.5 billion.

NASA has taken the decision to cancel the mission after several failed attempts to fix the leak appeared in the French space agency CNES-built seismometer, Seismic Experiment for Interior Structure (SEIS). But because InSight is a cost-capped mission, the team will have to assess the cost of fixing the lander and maintaining the mission for another two years and seek funding approval.

NASA’s next mission to Mars will be delayed at least two more years, if not indefinitely. The instrument, known as SEIS, was supposed to help InSight become what NASA was calling the “first project devoted to investigating the deep interior of the Red Planet”.

The faulty instrument is a very sensitive seismometer created to measure movements in the Martian soil as small as the diameter of an atom, NASA said in a statement.

NASA and CNES also are participating in the European Space Agency’s (ESA’s) Mars Express mission now operating at Mars and plans to participate on ESA’s 2016 and 2018 ExoMars missions, including providing telecommunication radios for ESA’s 2016 orbiter and a critical element of a key astrobiology instrument on the 2018 ExoMars rover.


A United States technology satellite planned to start in March to Mars continues to be seated as a result of trickle in a vital study device, NASA stated on Thursday, making doubt concerning the widely-anticipated work review the inside of the planet’s potential. Bruce Banerdt, a geologist who has spent his life studying the evolution of Mars and who is the mission’s principal investigator, said he has been waiting a long time to answer these questions.

NASA calls off next Mars mission because of instrument leak