
National Black Cat Day

Traditionally, shelters shy away from black cat adoptions in October, fearful that people with bad intentions may look to adopt a black cat during that time.


In recognition of national Black Cat Day today, the Skegness, Spilsby and Alford branch of Cats Protection is putting out a special appeal to rehome the foster cat.

Despite being just a loveable as their more colourful brothers and sisters, for years black cats have been neglected, faced suspicion, hostility and even death as a result of silly superstition.

Throughout history there has had a love-hate relationship with cats, especially black cats. With his experience seeing cats come in with cuts and scratches, he says suspending those adoptions is the best thing he can do.

VHS is offering a free gift with every black cat adoption on Friday and Saturday, October 30 and 31.

The logic is simple: people who have ill intentions toward black cats are simply not going to go to the trouble to visit a shelter and pay an adoption fee. “I don’t think black cats are less adoptable”.

Cats were associated with the devil in the age of witchcraft in the 15th century and many accused witches apparently had black cats as companions.

Proportionally, the number of black cats adopted at any given time corresponds to the number of black cats at the shelter, he says. Anderson says if anyone sees a black cat in their neighborhood, if able, to pick them up they can drop them off at animal welfare.


“If you’re a lover of cats or a cat fancier, this Canberra Cat Show is the place to be because it’s just full-on pussy cats for the whole day”, Mr Edwards said. “There are many in our care ready for their new home and we would love to hear from anyone who is willing to give them a new life”.

Bridgend Cats looking for home as part of Black Cat Day