
National Guard boosts presence in Flint to aid water crisis

“We have been treated like we don’t matter because we are from Flint”, said Melissa Mays, a member of the Coalition for Clean Water during the rally.


The people of Flint have been complaining about their tap water since 2014. Right away, there were complaints of the water’s bad taste and smell, and odd color. In short, several colossal missteps on the part of public officials led to children and other residents falling ill after drinking water that was contaminated with lead. Lead is linked to learning disabilities and behavioral problems in children.

Michigan Attorney General Bill Schuette is investigating possible crimes.

The protesters marched from the University of Michigan’s campus in 12-degree weather, at times blocking passing cars, before they arrived at Snyder’s voting address in the area of East Washington and South Main Street. She suggested that if the problem had occurred in a wealthy, predominantly white suburb of Detroit “there would have been action”. The corrosive water lacked adequate treatment and caused lead to leach from old pipes in homes and schools. Flint can get up to US$5 million in direct funding, though the state must match 25 percent and more money can come through an act of Congress.

Her chief rival, Vermont Sen.

Snyder has apologized for the state’s handling of the crisis as calls for him to resign have grown over the last week, including from Democratic presidential candidate Bernie Sanders.

A Detroit-native, Allen moved to Flint in September for work.

“Obviously, I care”, Snyder said. “And that’s why I’m working hard to do everything I can to fix the damage and then actually work to strengthen Flint and the citizens”, Snyder told the National Journal.

Meanwhile, documentary filmmaker and former Flint resident Michael Moore returned to his hometown on Saturday to urge Mr Obama to see the water crisis for himself.

There could be greater demand for adoptive and foster parents “as a result of social services needed due to the detrimental effects of the high blood lead levels”, she has said.

“It’s upsetting, you know”. Democratic candidate Hillary Clinton said that every American “should be outraged” by what is happening in Flint. “I don’t want to walk away from it”. Clinton ranted: “The population, which is poor in many ways, and majority African-American, has been drinking and bathing in lead-contaminated water”.


He needs to raise the Flint issue nearly immediately, or the audience will be so distracted wondering when he is going to raise it that they won’t be able to concentrate on what he is saying, Friedman said.

Debate Highlights: Hillary Clinton points to Flint water crisis