
National Parks Service Turns 100

The first national park, Yellowstone, was so designated 144 years ago, but the National Park Service as an organization will celebrate its centennial this week, 100 years after its creation with the signature of President Woodrow Wilson on August 25, 1916.


Stephen Mather McPherson, grandson of Stephen Mather, the first National Park Service director.

Part of Rincon Creek is included in the parcel of land, where vegetation includes cottonwood, willow and mesquite trees.

In celebration of the National Park Service turning 100 years old, the Obed Wild and Scenic River is planning a combined birthday party and an Art in the Park reception.

The National Park Service already has adopted some changes to address the issue, including recruiting minority interns and producing videos and brochures for Spanish-speaking audiences.

Saguaro Park officials heartily welcomed the land donation, which will be added to the approximate 67,000-acre current size of the park’s east district.

– Coffee with the Superintendent – Join Superintendent Jim Northup for an informal gathering to chat about Shenandoah National Park.

Kansas has five national parks sites, including Brown vs. Board in Topeka. However, to celebrate its birthday the National Park Service is offering free admission to the 127 parks that charge an admission free Thursday through Sunday.

Special events are planned at parks across the nation as the service recognizes the 100th anniversary of President Woodrow Wilson signing the act that created the service, and entry fees will be waived at all the national parks.

We want to see your favorite pictures from your favorite National Parks!

Those types of stories are important in selling national parks to minorities, Grand Canyon intern Iesha Baldwin said. The Associated Press reported almost 4.1 million people visiting Yellowstone National Park in 2015, a 17 percent increase in visitors over 2014 – or an additional 580,000 people. Coin profits will go towards new park projects. In 2015, there were 9,900 jobs in Florida alone relating to National Parks. The second century of the NPS will rely on the support and engagement of young people who are visiting more parks through the “Find Your Park” campaign, and we must encourage this rising generation of Americans by inviting them to make their own personal connections to the places that have shaped our history. National parks were originally created to help preserve wildlife and the Indian civilization as eastern settlements spread westward. And indications are that Americans do, indeed, hold national parks in high esteem.


Sen. Patrick Leahy (D-Vt.) advocates for the National Park Service and other conservation and stewardship programs as a key member of the Appropriations Committee’s Interior Subcommittee.

President Theodore Roosevelt John Muir and others in Yosemite by an unknown