
NATO chief says helping partners’ armed forces is crucial

Hillary ClintonHillary Rodham ClintonTime to rethink NATO How the decline of the working class explains Trump For lucky Clinton, Comey the flawless scolder, Trump the ideal opponent MORE has used Trump’s comments as another example that he is a unsafe, loose cannon. “Bulgaria was among the first to ratify Montenegro’s accession treaty and this is a strong sign for Bulgaria’s active position in the region”, the Bulgarian Head of State pointed out.The participants at the Warsaw summit will also make a review of the results achieved after the decisions made in Wales in 2014. Indeed, activists are planning to show up on in Warsaw during the Summit and in New York City there will be a demonstration on July 9 in Times Square. “The Cold War is history and should remain history”, former Norwegian premier Stoltenberg said.


Cameron says “it is vital that our armed forces are world-class and reflect the society we live in”. In sum, Russian Federation is bound to react strongly to what it regards as the unwarranted provocation of large military exercises along its western borders, including in Ukraine.

“We know that between the “Old World” (of Europe) and the “New World” (of the U.S.) there is a world apart, with different values and different strategic aims…and it would be good if we state clearly today that whoever turns against America, harms Europe; whoever attacks the European Union, harms America”.

Moscow has declared its intention of deploying nuclear-capable missiles in Kaliningrad, a Russian enclave between Poland and Lithuania, in response to NATO’s activation of a United States -built missile shield on Polish soil.

For his part, Klare argues that European leaders must “not allow their inclination to “demonstrate unity” and “act resolutely” lead them to approve military moves that are inherently destabilizing”.

Meanwhile, in 1991 the USA government withdrew from the Anti-Ballistic Missile Treaty we had signed with the Soviets in 1972 and put new missile bases in Poland and Romania. Although NATO took no military action during the Cold War, during the first Gulf War it deployed forces for the first time, and then acted unlawfully when it bombed Yugoslavia without United Nations authorization.

Russian Federation itself has condemned NATO’s actions for reflecting “anti-Russia hysteria”. But this year it has been particularly aggressive and provocative, conducting massive military maneuvers on Russia’s borders.

The forces’ presence also allows each of the host countries to dedicate their own security efforts toward combating potential “hybrid warfare” threats, such as cyberattacks or insurgencies disguised as genuine civil uprisings.

Sweden was involved in NATO’s 2011 air campaign in Libya and both Nordic neighbours sent troops to the alliance’s mission in Afghanistan. The U.S. -led alliance is set to announce on Saturday its support for the EU’s Mediterranean interdiction operation.

“I expressed to President Duda our concerns about certain actions and the impasse around Poland’s constitutional tribunal”, Obama said. Most Finns are against entering, and a government report said in April any such move would trigger a crisis with Russian Federation. With the recent breakup of the old paradigm after the United Kingdom just left the European Union, there may be a new opening for change.


Peskov was also quoted by Reuters as telling reporters that it was “absurd to talk about any threat coming from Russian Federation at a time when dozens of people are dying in the center of Europe and when hundreds of people are dying in the Middle East daily”, adding that “you have to be extremely short-sighted to twist things in that way”. Tensions have since ratcheted up considerably, with eastern European NATO members anxious about Russia’s intentions in the region. Alice Slater is the New York Director of the Nuclear Age Peace Foundation.

NATO Chief Says Helping Partners' Armed Forces is Crucial